Page 36 of Triplets for the Dark Elf
“Oooh,” I tease.
He rolls his eyes. “I know. I know.”
Taking the spot next to me, we start washing the dishes together. It still feels odd to do something so domestic with him, but it feels nice. In fact, it’s been really nice to have Miothro around.
“How was your night?”
Like that. No one ever asked me about howIwas doing before. But I can see just how much he cares about me separate from the kids. It makes all this so much harder.
“Easier than yours,” I joke. Then, something hits me, and I look at him. “Hazel was whispering about snowflakes. Do you know anything about that?”
It rarely gets warm enough in Vhoig to snow, and I didn’t really think about that until now. Especially as he ducks his head.
“I, uh, wanted to talk to you about that.” His smile blossoms. “The kids might sleep extra tomorrow. I taught them some magic.”
“Magic?” I freeze, staring at him.
Gods, how was I going to wrangle them now if they were learning those skills? And how could I protect them if they stood out as so different.
“Don’t worry, it was just a little parlor trick to keep them entertained. I taught them how to conjure snowflakes.”
His indigo eyes sweep to mine as he holds out a palm, and a snowflake appears, spinning above his skin. I grin as I watch it, remembering how he used to drop these on me when I was in a bad mood.
“Did they do well?” I force myself back to the dishes.
“Yeah, they did. I think Maeve is going to be really good at it.”
A twinge in my stomach makes me frown. It’s the first milestone of theirs I missed. It’s not one I’d even thought about, but I hate that I wasn’t here to see it as they learned to navigate a part of themselves that I would never understand.
“Good,” I mutter as I turn to put a dish away.
But Miothro turns at the same time, and suddenly, we’re chest to chest. I haven’t been this close to him in so long, but I can’t find it in me to move now.
My breath catches in my throat as I watch his eyes track across my face, and I nearly drop the plate in my hand. Shakily, I set it on the counter next to me without looking away from him.
I can see the tension start to build in his expression, and I swallow hard. He’s thinking about taking a chance, and just as he lifts his hand to cup my face, I force myself away. When I turn back to grab more of the clean dishes, the pain is written across his face.
Gods, why does this have to be so hard? I want him more than anything, and I can’t keep hurting him.
It’s only gotten harder the longer we’ve spent time together. If I was more reckless, I’d say fuck it and dive into his arms right now. But I can’t.
I care about Miothro too much to jeopardize everything. He may come here every night, but no one knows about my involvement with him. I have to keep that way, and letting him get attached to me would only complicate it.
He’d want me to leave lowtowns and that’s not something I can do. Nor have I found the courage to tell him why I am here in the first place.
“I, uh-” He clears his throat. “I can start watching the kids more, if you want. I have someone to watch the shop for me so I can come whenever.”
My stomach twists with jealousy as memories flash behind my eyes. I was once his shop girl, someone he trusted, teased, flirted with. And I feel sick as I picture him doing that with someone else.
I grit my teeth against the waves of emotion I can’t entertain right now. Even as I see Miothro kissing another girl, holding her, making her laugh. All of the things I’ve been thinking about and want back.
I try to shake the thoughts away as I realize that he is still talking to me. Now is not the time to get lost in useless fears. I should want him to move on and be happy.
But it feels like a knife in the gut for that to be with someone else. Especially when I know I’ll never want anyone else.
“...enjoyed my time with them. I think they had fun with me, too.” He grins as he looks down. “And to teach them something new… It was incredible, Annalise. I’d never felt anything else like it. Having a moment like that with them makes me want to create so many more.”
My heart warms as I hear him talk, excitement coloring his expression. I know he means every word, and I am so glad for that.