Page 54 of A Diamond Deal With the Greek
He stared at her for endless seconds. One hand came up and teased the hoop that formed the neckline of her dress. When it reached her pulse, he traced it, a light, delicate touch that lit a flame on every nerve ending and concentrated it at her core.
His touch, still light, still tormenting, drifted up to her eyebrows, her cheek, then over her lips. A pained groan ripped from his throat.
‘I want to kiss you. Thee mou, I want to kiss you so badly.’
‘And you’re holding back because...?’
His hand dropped back to her waist and his head jerked back to the headrest. ‘We’re landing in three minutes.’
Cutting disappointment warred with the need to know where they were. Knowing she could do nothing about one and maybe something about the other, she looked out of the window onto a black, inky landscape with only a set of runway lights breaking the vastness.
‘You’ve brought me to the middle of nowhere?’
‘Indeed. No one can reach us unless I want them to, or they’re prepared to swim a hundred miles in every direction.’
‘We’re in the middle of the ocean?’
‘On my island in the Aegean.’
‘How long are we staying?’
‘That depends entirely on you. Play nice and I won’t fly us north and dump you in a Gulag.’
He rose with her in his arms and walked them to the sofa. Setting her down, he secured her seat belt, then settled down away from her. Glancing at him, she witnessed the strain in his features and bit her lip against a smart quip as his fists bunched on his thighs.
The second they touched down he released his belt and hers, then stood with her.
‘Yes, Drill Sergeant?’ she responded, trying her utmost to stem the anxiety flooding her.
‘I’m going to have you. The moment we’re alone again, I intend to make you mine. Speak up now if that isn’t what you want because you won’t be using that smart mouth for talking later.’
Every sharp retort evaporated from her head as erotic images flooded her. ‘I want it. I want you.’
His breath shuddered out and he nodded once before moving to the door. An SUV stood a short distance away and he guided her to it before sliding behind the wheel. More lights than she’d seen from above lit their path, but all she could see was vegetation and a profusion of flowers.
‘You’ll get the grand tour tomorrow after your training,’ he rasped, his gaze not moving from the road ahead.
Two long roads and corners later, Rebel sat forward in her seat, her widening gaze on the villa ahead. It was built into the side of the hill, with multi-layers she stopped counting after five. In the dark, welcoming golden lights lit up the vast property, pitching it against the night sky like a wonderful masterpiece.
‘Draco, it’s stunning.’ She craned her neck to see more of it as they neared.
‘It’s not the Maldives, but it’s one of my favourite homes.’
‘Water villas and brightly coloured fish are overrated.’
He drove past a pillared entrance with double doors, and through a giant, arched trellis. He stopped before a square wooden gate and entered a code. The gate glided back on a smooth rail and they drove along a narrower drive that led to another pillared entrance. It wasn’t until Draco parked and she alighted that her gaze was drawn upward. ‘That’s a pool. A see-through pool,’ she blurted, blown clean away.
His mouth curved. ‘You get to have your water villa after all.’ He walked round to her, swung her up in his arms and whispered in her ear, ‘You can swim naked in there if you want to. In fact, I insist on it.’
He was striding forward as she fought her way through a blush. Codes were entered along the way, a lift accessed that shot them up and spat them out on an upper level. Then they were in Draco’s bedroom. He slid her down his body, slowly, torturously, not bothering to hide the thick evidence of his arousal. It nudged her belly as he tugged her even closer. The hands that had shackled her on the plane were twice as hard, twice as demanding, as Draco finally unleashed the ferocious hunger that screamed for satisfaction. He devoured her mouth, muttering words in Greek she didn’t understand in between long, ardent kisses. Their groans mingled as each kiss fed the hunger and need for a greater assuaging.
He fisted her hair, his fingers holding her tight as he trailed his tongue over her jaw to the pulse racing at her throat. He lapped at it, his moan deep and primeval. ‘Thee mou, you taste like paradise. And sin. And every forbidden thing in between.’
Her hands, frantically exploring his covered back, bit into his flesh as he nipped at her collarbone. Never having imagined that area to be an erogenous zone, she felt her knees threaten to buckle as Draco explored her. Her eyes grew heavy, drawing half closed as sensation arrowed south and pooled between her thighs. Desperate to discover as much of him as she could before her faculties melted beneath the fierce onslaught of desire, Rebel pulled his shirt up and dragged her nails over his heated skin.