Page 41 of Cage & Magnolia
“Ride my cock, pet. Fucking own it with this tight-as-a-vice ass.” With one hand, he fists my hair and drags me back while the other slaps across my cheeks.
“Dammit, Cage.” My body takes over, anticipating what to do before I do. Leaning back, I place all my weight in his lap while pumping my hips front and back, circling them, back…and forth. I find a rhythm that has him cursing and slapping my ass harder with each thrust.
I know he’s about to lose it when he pistons his hips up in tune with mine and grips my ankles so tight my feet tingle. “Cage,” I gasp, my body feeling like it’s on fire. “Cage, please.” I don’t know what I’m begging him for.
Reaching down between our legs, I grasp his balls, gently rolling them in my hand until I feel him stiffen and powerfully thrust up once more so I cry out. Tightening my grip and tugging as he explodes inside of me, I let out a yelp when his hand snakes around and slaps my pussy, repeatedly hitting my clit each time until I shatter.
My body jerks, lighting up with bliss. I tense as I feel him finally relax underneath me, and I scream so loud and long I might just lose consciousness.
It’s not until he’s wrapped me in his arms and turned us to lay on our sides that I come back down to earth and see and feel again.
“You’re my fucking miracle, pet.” Leaning down to kiss me, it’s all I remember before I pass out for the next sixteen hours, more at peace and happier than I’ve ever been in my life.
* * *
Glaring at any man who dares look at my woman, I’m edgy, waiting for an attack in a fucking maternity clinic for no damn reason. Today, we get to see our baby. It’ll be my first time seeing him or her, first time hearing their heartbeat. It’s about to be real.
Despite the fact Magnolia has been here for a month already, and I feel our child kick every time I touch my pet, I can’t get enough of them. Each night, I fall asleep with Magnolia in my arms after making love to her until she’s too exhausted to do anything but sleep. I’ve gotten the little vixen addicted to anal sex too. She’s shy as fuck about asking for it, but I make her, every time, because I never want her wary of asking me for anything.
We’ve begun building an addition to my house to have a nursery right next to our room. That should be ready in time for the birth. Her father and his new girlfriend will be here in a couple of months before the arrival and staying for a month afterwards. Magnolia is both nervous and excited about the visit.
After a message she received from her mother about a week after we arrived home, explaining what a waste she was, I warned the woman never to contact Magnolia again and changed the number. My girl would never have asked me to, but taking the choice out of her hands had her crying with relief for the longest time. Now, when the older woman wants to speak to or know about her daughter, all conversations are diverted through me. So far, there’s been two. Both of which I ended when the bitch started getting rude with my pet.
“Magnolia Taylor?” I growl at the use of the name. Magnolia wants a large beach wedding after the baby is born. Her excuse is that she’s only doing it once, so she wants everything to be how she always dreamed.
Following the nurse to a room, I help Magnolia up on the table as the door is closed. “You feeling okay?” I ask because she looks nervous.
“I’m fine, Cage.” She tugs me down by my shirt collar for a kiss before we’re interrupted.
“Good morning, Miss Taylor.” The doctor enters with a cheerful smile, ignoring my growl. “I’m Dr. Bernice Callaghan. We’re here for a look at the baby, then?”
“Yes.” Magnolia directs me to the side as the woman asks her questions about how she’s feeling and if she’s taking her vitamins and offers up suggestions about the heartburn Magnolia has been experiencing for the last week.
“This is Dad, then?” I grunt, making Magnolia giggle.
“Forgive him, he’s grouchy that I won’t marry him until after the baby arrives.” Her hand rubs up and down my chest, as the doctor lifts her shirt and squirts some gel on her stomach.
“My husband was the same way.” She winks. “Don’t worry, I don’t scare so easy.”
Ignoring everything else they say as an image pops up on the screen, my heart stops when I see our baby for the first time. Their strong heartbeat echoes around the room as the doctor moves the wand around, taking pictures and measurements.
“A beautiful little nugget. Healthy as can be. Whatever you’re doing, Magnolia, keep it up. Did you want to know the sex?” Bernice looks between the two of us.
I blink down at Magnolia. It’s up to her. “Whatever you want, pet.” She looks so uncertain.
Sensing Magnolia’s indecision, Bernice says, “You know what, I have to go grab something. Why don’t you two take a minute, watch your little one swim around on the screen, and I’ll be right back.” Nodding my gratitude to her, I brush a knuckle across Magnolia’s cheek as the woman leaves.
“There’s no right or wrong answer, pet. We can wait.” Until that baby is delivered, Magnolia is one hundred percent my complete focus and concern.
“I know. I want to know, but I also don’t. I’m just torn.” Her fingers reach out to touch the screen of our child’s tiny face, tracing their features. “What do you want?”
That question is a trap no matter how I answer it. “As long as they’re healthy, I’m happy either way.” She gives me a funny look, rolling her eyes. “Alright, fine. A boy would be ideal because then I don’t have to worry as much as I would with a daughter.But,” I say when she narrows her eyes on me, “a little girl, looking just like her mama, wouldn’t be so terrible either.”
“If we find out now, we could prepare. If we wait, we’ll have a lot of shopping to do later.” I’ll give her that. “Stop being agreeable, Cage.”
Laughing, the door opens again, and the doctor has a manila envelope for us. “I can see you haven’t a clue what you want to do.” We both nod. “I printed the results for you. Open it or don’t. Either way, your nugget is as perfect as can be, and I’ll see you again in a month.”