Page 20 of Cage & Magnolia
“Get your phones out, ladies. Here’s the real love story,” Joss snickers as Cage remains where he’s at, his long legs covered in dark jeans and biker boots don his feet. His tight black t-shirt does nothing to mask his muscular frame, and the tattoos on his arms, neck, and face are on full display, making my thighs clench tight.
I take a step, and Tyler’s grip detains me from going forward. Cage’s gaze moves to the man, and if death had a look, he’d have just lasered it at Tyler as I shove him off.
Despite the three-inch heels on my feet and the tightness of the dress around my thighs, I make a fast beeline for Cage, his long strides eating up the distance between us faster than my short ones.
I catch the second he realizes it. Immediately, his demeanor changes—from uncertainty to anger to something indescribable. He’s unsure if the baby is his, but he wants to kill whoever else’s it could be.
My body has a mind of its own as I jump onto his solidly rooted frame. My arms wrap around his neck, holding the hair on the back of his head and angling for a deep kiss. He doesn’t disappoint. Both of his hands grip my ass tightly, holding me as close as possible, while cheers erupt in the room, starting with Joss and the women at her table and moving through the expansive space.
As I draw back to breathe, his eyes instantly drop to the bump now pressed against his rock-hard stomach. “Got something to tell me, pet?”
We’re almost at Joss’ table again when I hear the woman across from her, Annelise Reynolds, laugh and say, “Wish a man would look at me like that.” She’s been handing out drunk gummy bears since we arrived. Her Texas twang makes me smile.
“Wanna bet that baby is his?” Cora Kenborn mutters to Murphy Wallace as they stand off to the side, playing Cora’s dick ringette game with some readers to win prizes.
“So many things.” I nip his lip.
“Care to start with the wee one?” His brow raises, and the heat in his stare restricts my breath.
“What would you like to know?” I don’t understand why I’m playing with fire. He’s the only man I want.
“Could ya start with the lineage, pet?” He sits down in the chair beside Joss that I’d been in earlier. Eyes remain on us, even after most have gone back to doing their thing.
“Oh, it’s yours.” Cora saunters over, leaning her hip against the table as Joss watches on intently. “She has been batting men off since she arrived, but then, here you come with that sexy killer swagger, and she’s on you like you’re her last meal.”
“That so?” A cocky grin appears as a blush flashes up my chest.
“Is that her name on your head?” someone asks, and I glance up at the tattoo on his forehead. It’s off to the side, along the hairline, and while it’s beautiful scripture, I can’t make out what it says.
“How’d ya guess?” he asks the woman.
“Once upon a time, I was a linguistics expert for the FBI.” That garners all kinds of oohhs and aahhs from the crowd around us.
“Cora, you’ve got a line,” Murphy calls, winking when I look back at her.
“Catch ya later, girly.” Cora blows me a kiss before heading back to her table.
“Well?” Cage lifts a brow.
“I thought he said it was his?” another reader points out, putting Tyler on the spot and causing Cage to turn to granite beneath me. His deadly glare levels at Tyler once again.
I feel him getting ready to stand up, so I wrap myself around him tighter, press my lips to his ears, and confess, “It’s yours. I’ve been with one man, one time, Cage, and it was you. It’s always been you, Cage Craven.” A shuttering breath wracks his body as he relaxes.
“When’s the last time she ate, Joss?” His gaze doesn’t leave Tyler as he asks.
“About an hour ago. But I swear she’s eating for an army because she’ll likely be digging through her bag any minute now.” She chuckles behind a book as she’s signing it when I shoot her a dirty look.
“That true, pet?”
“No.” The denial is automatic. I’ve spent all week hiding my snacking from my mother, and even though I realize I’m eating for two, her berating words have infiltrated my mind.Once again.
“Is so,” Joss counters, and I swat her shoulder as she gets up to take a picture.
Reluctantly, I climb out of Cage’s snuggly lap and offer to snap the photo of reader and author. The happiness surrounding my best friend makes my aching feet worth every second as I wince when my toes pinch together.
Turning back around, I find Cage has a hand on Tyler’s shoulder, up close and whispering in his ear. Tyler just nods along, staring straight ahead. I can only imagine what the formidable man is telling him.
“You’re going to marry him, right?” a different reader asks as she approaches the table.