Page 7 of Frazier
“I do.” Sunny told her she’d have to tell him when she wanted them too. “Why is that? I mean, does he expect me to raise a child we have on my own, so he wants me to be prepared? That’s not going to happen.”
“No. Like his brothers, Frazier will say that it’s your body, your decision. And I love that. But if you wanted to go back to working, which I’m assuming that you will, he’ll gladly be a stay-at-home dad and do all the things that are there for you and the child.” Amelia needed to think about that and told her so. “They’re the best men in the world as far as I can see. None of them would harm you—in fact, any one of them would die for you. Not that they can, thanks to you, but it is something that they’d of done before you gave us all immortality. I’m not kidding, Amelia. There aren’t more romantic, wonderfully kind men in the world but for the men in this family.”
After they left her to go back to their own rooms, she noticed that the men were all sitting around a fire talking. She didn’t want to go down there and make him come to bed with her, so she found herself a tee shirt and made her way to his room. This shit was for the birds.
It wasn’t hard to find the room that he’d been using. It was so far away from the master bedroom she’d been using that she thought of using breadcrumbs to get her back if he sent her packing. Getting into his bed, she could tell he wasn’t cold at night because there was only a sheet on the bed and a lighter quilt than the one she had on her bed. Snuggling down into the cover, she would swear it took her nearly ten minutes to get warm enough to stop shivering.
The house was quiet on this end of it. Her room, the one she’d been using, was where the barns were, as well as the other homes. Once her eyes adjusted to the room’s overall darkness, she realized that it was as dark as a windowless room. Amelia loved that the room was dark. Not a single light came through the windows, as the pine trees were just dense enough to keep the moon out as well.
The pillows that she was using were feather. She only got stuck by a quill once in the cheek before she finally got them to go in one direction and not all willy-nilly. As her eyes drooped more and more, she tried to stay awake so that she could talk to Frazier when he came to bed. But it seemed the more she fought the sleepiness that came over her, the harder it was for her to keep away.
Telling herself that she’d just close her eyes for a moment wasn’t going to work either, but she did it. Just a moment, she kept telling herself. It would only be for a moment. Then she’d be better at staying awake for him. They needed to talk, and she wasn’t going to be able to do that if she was sound asleep when he finally got his ass in bed.
Chapter 4
Frazier woke up with Amelia wrapped around him. He was aching with the need to get up and go to the bathroom. And hard as stone to boot. Sliding out from under her was proving to be harder than anything that he’d tried before, and he was just ready to give up when she turned and glared at him.
“What are you doing?” He told her that he had to use the bathroom. “It’s still dark outside. Did you just get into bed and decide that you had to pee right now? Shouldn’t you have taken care of that before coming to bed? Lie still. I’m exhausted.”
She rolled over and off him. Getting up as quietly as he could, he heard her growl and him. For some reason, he found that to be as funny as any of the dirty jokes that Mark was telling them last night. Closing the door to the bathroom, he did his business and returned to the bedroom but not before turning off the light.
“I swear to god I’m going to sleep at the other end of the house if you’re going to be this inconsiderate every night.” She flipped the covers up and told him to get in. “And see if you can lie still for ten minutes before you start doing a rodeo again. Good heavens, I think you’re worse to sleep with than my mother when I was little.”
Getting into bed, wide awake now, he wrapped what he knew to be his cold body around her. Her squeal of anger had him busting out laughing. Trying to pull her back to him, just so he could warm up his feet on her legs, had her fighting him. Frazier was having so much fun that he couldn’t help but point out that it had been his bed she’d invaded, and she would have to suffer the consequences of his cold feet.
He didn’t know how long they wrestled around on the bed, but when he ended up on the floor with Amelia on top of him, he pulled her mouth to his and kissed her. It was the first time that he’d been this close to her, and he hoped that it wasn’t the last. Rolling her to her back, he slid his hands up her arms and held her hands well above her head.
“I hope you don’t have plans for the day.” She said that she could easily break them. “Good. Because now that I’ve got you here, there isn’t any way that I’m going to allow you to go back to the other bed and leave me here all alone again.”
“I do have to go and talk to some witches. That’s important but not until later. Much later. Are you going to kiss me again?” He did. Showing her with his mouth how much he wanted her. “I was beginning to think that you didn’t want me. I asked the others, and they said that I’d have to show you that I wanted you.”
“You did that in a wonderful way, my dear.” He moved over her, adjusting his body so that it fit comfortably over hers. “You fit me nicely, I think. The way my cock seems to know just where to go is nice as well, don’t you think?”
“I do, but I think it would fit you better if you were inside of me.” Putting both her hands into his one, he tore the top of her gown from her. Taking her hard nipple into his mouth, he suckled it until he decided to taste the other one. “Frazier, you’re not getting anywhere as fast as I want you to be.”
“I think you just need to calm down and let me enjoy myself. I’ve dreamed of nothing but having you since I found you. Now I need my fun time.” He took the other breast into his mouth and nipped gently at her entire breast before taking the other one into his mouth. Taking his time, he let go of her hands and ran both of his down her body to where her bottom was on the floor. “There are so many times when I had to take several cold showers before I raced down the hall to where you are. And had I known the lovely parts of you that you hid so well from me, I might well have just breached your bedroom and taken you anyway.”
“I wish you had. So many times.” She moaned, and he joined her. “Oh, Frazier, I love you so much. Please, make me yours.”
“I will love. In time. I love you too.” He nipped his way down her body to her breastbone. There he feasted on the flesh that made a small indent on her flesh. Moving downward, closer to where he wanted to be, Frazier tore at the rest of her clothing until Amelia was as naked as he was.
Her hips seemed to call to him. Licking them, then nibbling on them, had her squirming beneath him. Frazier moved to her thigh, then her knees. Tasting her calves as he made his way back up her leg, he could see how wet she was. The floor beneath her was stained with her cream.
Running his fingers from her gate to her clit, he closed his mouth over her and fucked her with his tongue. All the while, he slid his finger in and out of her while drinking down her juices.
Her pussy was warm, and her juices were hot. The more he took from her, the more he wanted. Each time she came for him, small hard to the body little climaxes, Frazier would lap at her clit until she came a second, then a third time for him. Still, he thought, it wasn’t enough. He needed her all.
Her hands tangled in his hair. Pulling him upward a little at a time, he was at her navel this time when he paused to play with the well there. Moving up her again, after enjoying such treats as her moans and her begging him for more, he took both her breasts into his palms and suckled them one at a time, nipping at the peaks.
His cock was so close to her pussy that he could feel her juices as they touched him. Sliding upward, moving his hips in just the way he needed, Frazier moved just the tip of his cock head into her. A powerful climax took her, nearly unseating him as she moved her hips up to take more of him inside of her. When Amelia came again, Frazier slammed forward and felt her tighten around him so tightly that he felt slightly strangled within her. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted her to move or not. It was just too much and not enough at the same time. Christ, he loved this woman.
He moved when she did, taking her harder than he had wanted but needing to empty himself deep inside her. Holding her to him, cupping her ass tightly so that he could be as deep as he could, Frazier nuzzled her neck and was thrilled beyond words when she gave her throat to him.
Minewhispered through his mind.Minewas all he could think about when he bit down on her pounding pulse. Emptying in her again as his mouth filled with her tangy hot blood, he felt his balls being squeezed for every drop of his cum. He cried out, his bear screaming with him as it felt as if both of them were claiming their mate for all time.
He must have blacked out for a moment, perhaps longer. He wasn’t alone on the floor, but he was tangled up in the sheet. Amelia was wrapped quite nicely, he thought, in the blanket and staring at him. Asking her what he’d done, Frazier sat up and wrapped the sheet around him better.
“Nothing. You snore. Loudly too.” He grinned at her, and she smiled back. “Of all the things that had been running through my head while I watched you sleep, that isn’t anything I was thinking of telling you. I love you, Frazier.”