Page 65 of What the Greek Wants Most
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Theo’s words echoed through her mind as she watched the brothers row in perfect harmony across the almost still resort water a short while later.
He took the middle position with Sakis in front and Ari at the back. She watched, spellbound, as his shoulders rippled with smooth grace and utmost efficiency.
‘Aren’t they something to watch?’ Perla sighed wistfully.
‘Sim,’ she agreed huskily.
‘I think they do that just to get us girls all hot and bothered,’ Brianna complained but Inez noticed that she didn’t take her eyes off her husband for one second.
When the men eventually returned to shore, the two women joined them and were immediately enfolded into the group.
Theo glanced her way, a touch of irritation in his eyes. Seconds later, he broke away from the group and came towards her.
‘I didn’t expect you to be down here. You should be resting.’
‘I was invited. I hope I’m not intruding.’
‘If you were invited then you’re not intruding. Come and join us.’ He grabbed her hand and led her to where Ari and Sakis were turning over the boat to dry the underside.
The two brothers gave her cursory glances but barely spoke to her. When Ari abruptly asked Theo to accompany him to the boat shed, her stomach fell.
Perla organised a Jeep to take her back to their villa and when Theo returned half an hour later, his jaw was tight and his movements jerky as he swept her off her feet and strode into the bedroom.
He made love to her with a fierce, silent passion that robbed her of speech and breath before he clamped her to his side and slid into sleep.
Her eyes filled with tears and she hurriedly brushed them away. It was no use daydreaming that things would ever magically turn rosy between her and Theo.
As much as she wanted to wish otherwise, they were on a countdown to being over for good.
* * *
The wedding was beautiful and quietly elegant in a way only an events organiser extraordinaire like Perla could achieve despite being seven months pregnant. Inez watched the bride and groom dance across the polished floor of the casino, transformed into a spectacular masterpiece that stood directly on the water, and fought the feelings rampaging through her.
Theo would never be hers. She would never have a wedding like this or have him gazing at her the way Ari was gazing at his new wife.
She would never feel the weight of his baby in her belly or have it suckle at her breast.
Despair slowly built inside her, despite knowing deep down that Theo had done her a favour by bringing her here. He didn’t need her to save him from whatever nightmares plagued him. He had a family that clearly adored him, who would be there for him when he chose to let them in.
She needed to stop moping and get on with her life.
Her time in Theo’s house and his bed was over. In retrospect, she was thankful she’d let him talk her into keeping her volunteer position. It was a lifeline she was grateful for in a world skidding out of control. The things she couldn’t control she would learn to live without.
A tall figure danced into her view and her eyes connected with the man who occupied an astonishingly large percentage of her mind. In his arms was an elegantly dressed woman with greying brown hair and a sad expression. She said something to him and he glanced down at her. His smile was gentle but wary and Inez saw her sadness deepen.
Inez heard the soft gurgle of a baby over the music and turned to see Brianna next to her. ‘That’s their mother.’ She nodded to Theo’s dance partner. ‘Their relationship has been fraught but I think they’re all finding their way back to each other.’ She glanced at Inez with a smile. ‘I hope that you two find your way too.’
Inez shook her head. ‘I’m afraid that’s impossible.’
Brianna laughed. ‘Believe me, I’ve seen the impossible happen in this family. I’ve learned not to rule anything out.’ She smiled down at her child and danced away with him towards her husband.
Tears stung her eyes as she watched Sakis enfold his wife and son in his arms.
‘What’s wrong now?’ Theo’s deep voice sounded in her ear.
She blinked rapidly and pasted a smile on her face. ‘Nothing. Weddings…they make me emotional. That’s all.’