Page 12 of When She's Fearless
“Bedroom?” she asks, sliding down from the counter as I stroke the plas-film over my aching shaft. Her soft thighs are on display as she gets down, her dress catching and practically baring her ass.
I like the sight of it so much that I shake my head, turning her and pushing her back against the counter. I pull her dress up, revealing a scrap of fabric she’s wearing over the gorgeous globes of her magnificent ass. “Right here.”
She whimpers, leaning over the counter, and I pull the undergarment off of her. It smells like her cunt, and the gusset that goes between her legs is damp with her arousal. When she spreads her legs for me, I get more of her scent, and it drives me insane with lust.
I push her thighs apart as I straighten, running my fingers carefully over her soft cunt until I find the entrance to her body. She’s wet and slippery here, rocking against my touch. Guiding my cock to her core, I thrust into her, and when Chelsea moans and arches back, I put a hand on her shoulder, clamping her in place.
“My beauty,” I growl, pounding into her from behind. She makes a soft cry of pleasure, her buttocks jiggling as I thrust into her. I want to tell her that she’s mine, that I own her, but Chelsea’s been owned before.
For now, I only get to borrow.
But I pump into her mercilessly, taking her as my own. And because it’s no fun to come alone, I find that spot between her legs that makes her squeal and make sure that she comes with me. When we’re temporarily sated, she lets out a throaty laugh and wriggles against me where I’m pinning her against the counter. “I made you dinner.”
“I hope it’s not fish,” I murmur against her ear. “I just found out they eat worms.”
Her shoulders shake with laughter, and I feel it all through my body and around my cock. It might be the best feeling in the universe.
One Month Later
Ugh, it has been a day.
I stand under the spray of my shower, letting the hot water cascade over my sore back as I scrub the dirt out from under my fingernails. This was arguably one of the roughest days I’ve had since getting my farm plot. One of my farm bots—the powerful drones that are supposed to do the planting, digging, and grunt-work so I don’t have to—had a corrupted file and dug up several rows of my seedlings thinking they were weeds. I took it offline and spent the rest of the day replanting the delicate plants myself.
It’s my own fault, of course. I should have run the weekly maintenance script like I’m supposed to, but Hrrrusek was over last night and, well, he’s good at being distracting. Then again, he’s over every night, so it’s not an excuse. But I figure I’ve been alone for a long time. I’m allowed to wallow in our relationship for a while.
Today is our one month anniversary from our first date. I didn’t think I’d be one of those people that celebrates every mini milestone, and yet here I am, with a special treat thawing in the fridge and a vial of extra-special perfume to put on after my shower. I’m making some nut-filled pastries to have after dinner since Hrrrusek likes sweets (but not as sweet as I do) and I’ve stuffed a bird full of veggies for the main course. I even got a couple of bottles of something called “ooli brew” because that’s apparently popular with a lot of the male workers in Port.
We’ll have a nice dinner, celebrate being together for a month now, and probably end up in bed.
Actually, we’ll definitely end up in bed. That’s how we end every evening. Not everything is sex, though. We play games of sticks together (I’m terrible at it) and go fishing together (I always bait the hooks). He helps me with my bots and put together a piece of furniture for me the other day. We talk for hours on end over cups of tea, and it’s just…really nice. It’s nice to have a friend and a partner and a lover, and Hrrrusek feels like all three of those things for me. We mesh so well together that sometimes I forget what life was like before he appeared in my stream.
A lot quieter, that’s for sure.
I step out of the shower when I feel clean, and towel my hair off. Heading for my sink, I pick up the vial of perfume I purchased from the locked counter at the general store. It’s potent enough that it can’t be left out on the shelf, and the vial has two sets of stoppers on it to ensure it doesn’t drip. Noli flower is supposed to have an intense aphrodisiac reaction on praxiian males, or so I’ve been told. I’m a little squirmy with excitement as I pull out the two stoppers. Hrrrusek is already an intense, enthusiastic lover. I wonder what it’s going to be like with an aphrodisiac added into the mix. To my dismay, the perfume just has a hint of a floral scent to it. Nothing exciting.
Maybe I’ve been scammed. I can’t imagine how this sends a praxiian into sexual overdrive. I dab a bit behind my ears and in the valley of my cleavage, and the scent is so faint it barely registers. I brush a little into my pubic hair just in case and then pause. Should I have mentioned to Hrrrusek that I bought this? I don’t want him to feel like I drugged him without his consent.
Pausing, I head over to the comm and send him a quick recorded message. “Hey, babe? I’ve got a little something for us to play with after dinner tonight. It’s a stimulant of some kind to enhance things. Let me know if that’s not cool for you. I just thought it might be fun.”
I get dressed and his message comes back when I return to the living room. “You know I’m game for whatever. Can’t talk now, though. Gotta finish this platform. See you tonight.”
Okay, good. I smell my pulse points but I can no longer scent the perfume so I head back to the bathroom to add another layer. Just in case.
I want tonight to be lovely. Special. Fun.
“What do you mean,we’re pulling out early?”
The foreman doesn’t look up when I approach him. He ticks something off on his data-pad and makes a notation. “I mean, we’re pulling out early. The job is more or less completed. We have two ramps to build and then everything is done and ready for mechanical to come and rig it with lighting.”
Hot panic races through me. I rub my jaw, tail lashing, and try to think straight. This job was supposed to go on for another two months. I thought I’d have plenty of time with Chelsea, enough to get my addiction to her out of my system. That we’d be sick of each other’s company at that point and glad to head off. We’d part as friends and I’d remember my time with her with fondness.