Page 131 of Savage Roses
“It is if you will smile like that.”
“That’s a line if I’ve ever heard one.”
“What is a line…?”
This made her laugh—she threw her head back and clapped her hands together. “If you’re gonna live in America, you need to pick up the lingo better. How about we do this your way?Ty ochen obayatel’nyy muzhchina.”
I stopped in place. “You know Russian?”
“A little. I speak five languages. Not too smart, but… but I’ve always loved learning languages. I’ve traveled here and there thanks to a few years modeling and my Pop’s money. Maybe one of the few perks of being his daughter.”
“You are smart if you know five languages. I know one and a half.”
Her eyebrow raised higher. “What’s the half?”
“Is it not obvious? Broken English.”
My ‘line’ made her laugh again. The loud, joyous sound chased away the nerves inside my stomach.
We wandered to the other side of the veranda. In doing so, we did not think to check who may have been watching.
“You’re a real interesting guy, Volchok.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
“It is not a name personal acquaintances should call me.”
Her face eased into a smile. “Is that what we are? Personal acquaintances?”
“Yes, in my mind as of tonight,” I explained in a feat of daring. “You may call me V. It is discreet but less formal.”
“V. I like it. And you can call me—”
“I already know what I want to call you. Is that too forward?”
“Yes, considering I just met you. But I’m nosy. So tell me.”
Her lips shifted into a smile as beautiful as she was. “The morning sun? Really?”
“Your hair is golden like the first sun of spring.”
“Since when are Russians romantics? And here I am getting groped bysoldatos.”
“Vy boleye chem krasivy snaruzhi. Ty prekrasna vnutri.”
“I’m more than beautiful on the outside. I’m beautiful on the inside,” she translated in awe. I nodded and she shook her head. “You’ve gotta stop. You’re gonna ruin me for all other men.”
I could not resist tucking some hair behind her ear as we came to a stop. “Perhaps that is my goal.”
“Perhaps I won’t stop you.”
That night I was scolded by Vladimir for disappearing for two hours. Lena was not happy either. Time did not matter when in the presence of a woman as beautiful and engaging asSolnishko—a pet name she adored by the time we parted ways.
I did not realize the forbidden trap I was setting. For it became impossible to walk away the more secret rendezvous moments we shared.