Page 23 of Heart of Sin
“It’s what I do for work.”
“People change professions all the time. I’m paying you, aren’t I?”
She crosses her arms and the way she purses her lips tells me she’s back to being mad. “Just because you’re a client doesn’t mean you get to dictate anything about me.”
“You know what I mean—for fucks sake, Tasha, I like you! I’m paying you not ‘cuz I wanna be a client of yours, but ‘cuz it’s the only way you’ll let me be anywhere near you. With some time, I was hoping you’d come to the same conclusion. Judged that one wrong.”
The elevator jerks as it carries us up the final level and then stops altogether. The doors roll apart and I step forward to get off. Tasha cuts me off by leaping over to the panel of buttons. She presses them all at once.
In a state of confusion, the elevator quakes. Its doors slide to close before opening again and then closing. If she’s not careful we’ll be stuck in here.
“What the hell are you doing?!”
“Give me a second!” she chokes out, like she’s running out of air.
Maybe she is.
By the looks of her, she’s not feeling well… or she’s overcome with something I’ve never seen out of her before.
Tasha’s face twists, her eyes squeeze shut, and her full lips form an ‘O’, blowing out deep breaths. I’m about to check if she’s going to pass out when she leans against the elevator wall and speaks.
“I like you too.”
The words come out of her like a dirty secret she’d hoped would go forever unknown. It’s a truth that makes her nervous and unsettled to admit out loud.
My temper vanishes. I crack half a grin. “That hard to admit something like that?”
“You… have no idea. I don’t do this. This isn’t me—”
“Hey, breathe, kitty cat. You’re practically hyperventilating. I swear I’m not trying to change you. I’m just trying to be with you.”
She lets me encircle her in my arms, holding her close. I was right to say she’s nervous. Her heart’s beating like a fucking jackhammer. She turns her head and presses her cheek against my chest as she returns my embrace, linking her arms around my waist.
We stand like this a while. Hogging the elevator. Grateful for the potential new understanding we’ve reached. Tasha confirms we have—
“I won’t do it anymore,” she says. “I won’t offer any more VIP services. Randall’s going to be pissed. But you’re right. I only want to be with you.”
She barely finishes before I’m yanking her off her feet and crushing her in my arms. We seal it with a kiss and then we’re off, doing what we always do.
Enjoying the night together.
Things have never beenthis good. Every morning I’m waking with Tasha the first thing on my mind, even when she’s hundreds of miles away. I finally understand why Gio became so distracted all the time at work with thoughts of Falynn.
When you fall in love, it’s a whole different ballgame. The air smells a little bit sweeter, and you smile a lot more just ‘cuz.
You count the hours ’til you get to see her again… or at the very least, hear her voice.
In the weeks we’re apart, Tasha and I talk on the phone. We text. We video chat. Some of those a lot more X-rated, with some sexy stripteases from her that I’m all too happy to sit back and watch. Long distance is never easy, but we make it work.
We’re even toying with the idea of her coming out to Jersey to explore my stomping grounds.
She’s started making me stay at her apartment. She insists if we’re going to treat our relationship less business-like, then we need to keep it real.