Page 77 of All Your Fault
You’re an amazing, thoughtful, and generous person. You flew arguably the best neurosurgeon in the world here to perform Joe’s surgery. You flew in Joe and Ginger’s parents, all without telling a soul. That’s what you were doing when you were sitting in Joe’s room pretending to be his brother.
I do have one question, and I need to see your face when you answer it. I need your answer before Joe comes out of surgery. I need your answer to be based on your feelings for me, not on the outcome of the accident.
Up until now, your life has been close to perfect. I know pain and anguish. Hagan, this is how it looks, but you don’t have to go through it alone like I did. Your parents are here. Every one of your siblings is here. Megan is here. Tackett and Talynn said they will be here in five hours, just call. Do you know what I would have given for this support? Don’t waste it.
You said two things to me that I’ll never forget.
“Don’t be scared of loving me. Loving me is the safest thing you’ll ever do.” Right now, you’re scaring me. The thought of you giving up on us is torture. I’m not sure if I can survive another heart break.
The other is when you said, “You know if you wear my jersey, it means your mine for life. It’s an unwritten rule.”
I responded, “Life is a long time. No one’s loved me forever.”
So, the question I need you to answer is—are you the man that’s going to love me for life?
Because your pain is safe with me.
Love you for life,
I find my phone and read every message from Adalee, my family, and my friends. I shower, call Coach, and ask him to give me a few days to get my head on straight. He supports me fully. I run downstairs and ask Logan, “Do you know when Joe’s surgery is?” He couldn’t have slept more than a couple of hours but now he’s watching game film while eating breakfast.
“Your mom said she thought it was starting at seven thirty this morning. But I’m not sure.”
I grab the bagel out of his hand and a bottle of water off the table and run out the door.
Me:Hap, is Adalee still there?
Hap:Nope. Where are you?
Me:Trying to find her.
Hap:She went to class and was going to wait with Ginger at the hospital. Why?
Me:Because I fucking love her.
Hap:It’s a Pretty Woman moment.
Hap:Never mind, go get your girl.
Me:Have everyone at my house at four.
Hap:Okay. This feels right.
Me:It is right.
I park as close as I can to her classes, knowing I may be late. I run to her lecture hall but she’s nowhere to be seen. So, I get in my car, driving straight to the hospital. I pray that I’m not late that Joe’s surgery isn’t over. I’m against the clock but I work best under pressure. By some miracle there’s a guy valeting at the hospital entrance. I race to the elevator. Floor 2…floor 3…floor 4. The doors open.
That’sthe thing about wishes—they’re like dandelions blowing in the wind. I’ve wished for days that Hagan would talk to someone, hoping it would be me. So, I went by Hagan’s late last night and dropped off a letter. Logan said he would give the note to Hagan, but he didn’t want to wake him because it was the first time Hagan had slept since we returned from Chicago.
It’s the first and only time, I’ve seen Logan look defeated. “I wish I had good news. We have had a few short conversations but nothing that tells me he’s ready to see anyone.”