Page 50 of All Your Fault
It wasn’t his fault, but I have so much riding on my scholarship that I was upset, displacing my feelings. I’ll give him credit. He’s persistent and the most patient guy I’ve ever known.
I'm sitting alone in my room with my textbook open in front of me. I'm trying to focus on the words on the page, but my mind keeps wandering to Hagan and how I want to take the next step. So, when the doorbell rings, I hop off my bed, check my face in the dresser mirror, and run my fingers through my hair. Then, I fly down the hall to the front door. Excitement fills every corner of my body. Tonight’s the night.
I swing the door open. “Yay, you…came.”
“Hey sweetie, we need to talk.”
The man in front of me doesn’t attempt to hug me after not seeing me for months. My dad, who lives in Alabama, stands in the doorway. I feel like the robot fromLost in Space. “This does not compute.” My feet are locked in place, unwilling to make a move toward him. He’s never been here except for my freshman year.
“What are you doing here? And at nine at night? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? What if I wasn’t here?” Questions keep rolling of my tongue until my dad takes a step toward me and gives me a hug like you give a great uncle twice removed at a family reunion.
That’s when I notice a woman behind him. She’s pretty, blonde, and definitely younger than my dad.
My dad frowns. “Adalee, please let us in. It’s chilly out here.”
I step aside as my stomach tumbles. He wouldn’t be here if something major hadn’t happened. My dad walks by and the blonde points her gaze to the floor as she enters. “Have a seat, Dad and…?”
“Adalee, this is my wife, Paula,” he states in a flat tone.
I cock a brow. What? She extends her hand and I stare at it in disbelief. I’m afraid if I shake her hand, I might break it. Not any of this is her fault but I’m raging mad and might need restraining order against my dad.
“Did you saywife?” My focus travels up to the ceiling, down to the floor, and scans the entire room before my eyes meet my dad’s.
He inhales and on the exhale, he says, “Yes, but—”
Bile travels up my throat as I interrupt, “You got married and didn’t invite me to your wedding? You never told me you were dating. I guess that goes right along with how you never talked about Mom. Never told me things she did. Never reminded me of how much she loved me. She would say good riddance to you if she knew how you’ve treated me for the past decade.”
“Honey, it all happened so fast and you had surgery so…”
“Oh, no. Don’t blame not telling me on my surgery, which you didn’t even bother to attend or talk to the doctor about. Mom would be ashamed of the person you are. I do know that. And Paula, good luck. Because if he acted like he was father of the year, or a father at all, he lied!” I scream just as I hear knocking on the front door.
“Adalee, are you okay?” It’s Erika from upstairs. Ever since Hagan brought her home and she stayed here, she’s been a wonderful neighbor and a friend. Erika admitted that she knew Shannon was having sex with Chaz while he and I were dating, and she didn’t want to get involved.
I run to the door and step out, closing the door behind me. “My dad showed up out of nowhere. Married.”
She gasps and her hands fly over her nose. “I’m sorry. If you need to talk, I’m home tonight.”
“Thanks, I better get back inside.”
Erika tips her head, hugging me before walking up the stairs.
I needed those minutes to calm down but I’m still mad as… fuck. Yep, I’m mad as fuck. I don’t know if that even makes sense. Internally I say the word a hundred times until I start laughing. I go back inside and face my traitorous father.
My dad claps his hands, glancing at me. “Adalee, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but we decided spur of the moment.” He rubs his lips together, tucking them inside his mouth before continuing. “I’m moving to Florida. I wanted to deliver the news in person.”
“Why Florida?”
My dad shifts his body position like he’s uncomfortable. Paula chimes in, “Because I have twins. They’re eight and I share custody with their dad. So, your dad is transferring to a bank branch in Florida where we can be a family.”
I nearly choke on my own tongue. But with my lids ready to spill over, I suck it in. “Congratulations. I hope he’s better to your kids than he has been to his own. How did you even meet?”
“At a banking conference. Honey, I’m sorry.” His voice is thick with what sounds like regret, but part of me thinks it’s a show for Paula.
“Too little too late, Dad,” I choke out. “Now, I have to study, so please leave.”
They both stand as I stay locked in place. He bends down in front of me. “I hope you’ll forgive me one day. I was lost.”
My dad touches my hair like he used to when he and Mom would tuck me in at night. That touch—I miss it. I miss my mom and the family we used to be.