Page 46 of All Your Fault
“Are you sure?”
He pulls me in closer with his arm around my shoulder. “Yep. I have everything I need.”
If he’s trying to get into my drawers, he’s doing a good job. I might give it up before the night’s over. How did I ever think this guy was an arrogant asshole. What I used to see as arrogance is charming. I love the way he looks at me.
We play Twister during commercial breaks. You would think Ginger and I would win because of our flexibility but we are at a height disadvantage. Joe’s the shortest at five foot eleven. They can reach anywhere on the mat.
Mac’s foot is under me. Ginger is at the other end, not currently entangled with the rest of us. I’m in a crab walk position, like you do in elementary school, and Hagan has one leg in between mine and one hand on the red circle beside my head.
He whispers to me, “Mine. You only spread your legs for me.” The he skates his lips over my neck. I clench my legs together and fall. Hagan laughs then moves his leg.
“You’re a cheater,” I joke.
“Adalee, one thing you’ll learn about me is that I never give up. And I didn’t cheat. I used your weakness against you.”
God I love that cocky attitude. It’s a huge turn on. I wish the baseball game was over so we could get back to what was happening upstairs.
It’s the bottom of the ninth. The Kodiaks are up by one run. Hagan and Mac lean forward on pins and needles. The Cobras have a man on first and second base with one out.
Hagan’s mumbling, “If Cobras get a base hit, the games tied.”
“The pitcher should throw his nasty sinker ball,” Joe says, giving his expert opinion. “Then the fast ball low and inside.”
The batter digs in and misses the ball by a mile. On the next pitch, the batter swings. Shepherd dives for the ball, sidearms it to Callaghan at second, letting it fly to first for the double play.
Everyone jumps up. “We won!” Hagan shouts.
We watch the Kodiak’s dynamic duo do what Hagan says is their trademark handshake. They’ve practiced it a lot because it’s not a short simple fist bump or two. It’s long and it’s a show.
Hagan says, “Come on, Mac. Let’s show everyone how it’s done.” They get up and perform the handshake with style. Joe feels left out and they try to teach him. Ginger and I look on in horror. Joe has zero rhythm. The other baseball player, I think his name is Zane, is filming it all.
During the celebration, Logan and his raven girl come down. He walks her to the door and she leaves. Is it really that simple? If it’s that easy, why haven’t I done it? And if it makes both people happy, even momentarily, who am I to judge? Heck, I’m more judgy about myself. I’ve never truly wanted to have sex until now.
“Kodiaks win?” Logan asks.
“Yep. Look there’s my family,” Hagan says as he points to the television.
I recognized Archer and Megan. But there’s a whole slew of them. Then I see the girl in the picture on his desk—his twin sister. Now I see it. I touch the television, “Is that your sister?”
“Yeah, that’s Hap.”
“Damn.” Logan states. I don’t think he meant for words to come escape his throat, but they did.
Hagan’s mood changes instantly. “She’s off limits.”
Logan’s voice cracks when he says, “Take it easy. She doesn’t even live here.”
Hagan’s face reddens. “Doesn’t matter. I’m telling you now. She’s. Off. Limits.”
Hagan is protective of his sister. Maybe that’s a twin bond. How often does he talk to her? I remember him acting uneasy in the car when he took her call.
Logan play punches him in the arm, and they jostle around a bit. But for as big as Hagan is, Logan is four inches taller and thicker. It takes a few moments but Hagan’s smile slides back on, and it makes me weak in the knees.
We go into the kitchen to get some pop and that’s when Hagan asks, “Will you spend the night with me?”
If I look like a person in surgery when they shine that bright light in your eyes and tell you to count backward from ten, and you only get to eight before you’re out, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I want to but I don’t. I’m scared and I’m not ready to have theI’ve never had sexconversation.