Page 25 of Swinging for Love
“I don’t think I do. I’ve never had a girlfriend or even a casual relationship.”
“Just be you. And more important, let her be her. Julia wouldn’t let me be me. It was a constant struggle because I’m unnaturally charming and handsome.” He gestures with his hands out, palms up. “She hated the girls at the baseball games with signs and all the hoopla.”
His arm falls back to his side then changes the cold drink to his other hand. He’s looking down at his feet and now I know that Harper is right—he’s not over Julia.
“Just FYI, I’m not going to stop being friends with Talynn and you might want to kick my ass because I flirt with her or kiss her on the cheek but it’s friendship man, that’s all.”
I swallow hard. “Is that normal? I was homeschooled and always focused on baseball, so I don’t have any experience.”
“It’s how I operate. It’s just me, so you have to trust me, and more importantly, trust Talynn.”
“I do.”
Hagan clasps my hand and draws me into a hug. Hagan, like all of Archer’s family, is affectionate and good looking. I know I’m a lucky man that Talynn didn’t fall for him and visa-versa.
We were gone so long the rest of them meet us on the sidewalk. “Is everything okay out here?” Archer asks.
Hagan wraps Talynn in a hug and says, “We’re all good, right Mingo?” She blushes. Jesus, this is going to be hard, and why does he call her Mingo? Then I hear him whisper, “If he does anything and you need me to kick his ass, all you gotta do is call me.”
She taps the side her head on his shoulder, grinning while in a sidearm hug. Harper tugs my shirt and slips her arm around me too as I look down to her and say,“Same goes for you Harper.”
“You know our parents wanted us to come home after the first couple of weeks, but Hagan and I were having so much fun hanging with you both that we talked them into a few more weeks. But we’ll see you tomorrow after the game then it’s adios.”
I wrap her in a hug, thanking her one more time.
“I hate to be the responsible one, but I need to head home. Seven comes early.”
Even Archer bursts out laughing, and then chokes out. “I’m sure that’s why.”
This time Talynn folds into me, raises her chin, and the flush of her cheeks is just for me.
“Jayson’s staying here tonight. Is that okay?” Tackett strolls into the bedroom, ready for his day. The Sharks play a late afternoon game. It’s 6:30, and I don’t need to be up for another hour or so. Both of us are punctual people but only one of uslikesgetting up at the crack of dawn. Every muscle in my body hurts, and today I’m asking my boss to give me a massage.
He presses a kiss to my shoulder. “Can we sleep in your room, so Jayson can have my bed?”
“It’s fine, we broke this one anyway. The bed is completely slanted. What if I roll off?”
He picks me up and carries me into my bedroom. Holds me with one arm while turning down the sheets. “Here.” He lays me down and pulls the cover over me. “Sleep. Jayson and I will be back after the game. We’ll swing by and pick you up.”
“Okay.” He kisses my lips. One, two, three times. As he’s walking away, I grab his arm and pull him back to me. “Whatever it takes.” His brow furrows. I run my hand over his bright yellow compression shirt. “Do whatever it takes when you’re batting to not overthink the bat hitting the ball.”
“That’s the problem Tay, I’ve been thinking about you.”
I pull him down for one more kiss. “Well now your mind should be blissfully clear. I’ll be rooting for you from the office.”
“What will you give me if I get a hit?” There go those eyebrows again.
I suggest, “A game of hide the sausage?” He lifts an eyebrow. I forget the guy was a virgin two days ago. I squeeze his sausage and the picture is now loud and clear.
With his devilishly handsome smile, he says, “Whatever it takes, I’m getting a hit today.”
* * *