Page 21 of Swinging for Love
A wave of uncertainty sneaks up on me, hoping this is real. “Pretty sure we did that.”
Her voice is scratchy, “Towles, you can’t stare at me all night. Tomorrow is my first day of work and you’ve worn me out,” she says as she scoots even closer.
I try to tap down the smile creeping across my face but I’m not doing a good job because she uncurls long enough to smack my arm.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know how to do this.”
“Do what? Go to sleep?”
“A woman has never slept in my bed,” I mumble so low she doesn’t react.
Tick. Tock.
Maybe she didn’t hear me.
Tick. Tock.
I open my mouth to say it again, but she props herself up on one elbow with her mouth opening and closing twice before she speaks. “You’ve never let anyone sleep over? Or you always sleep at their place?”
Brushing her hair off her neck and placing it behind her shoulder, I whisper, “Neither.”
It’s so silent that I can hear my blood flowing, my heart pumping and her thoughts racing to put the puzzle pieces together. Her eyes search mine for answers. She folds her lips in over her teeth and runs her hand through my hair. Her fingernails make circles on the nape of my neck.
“You’ve never….”
I shake my head no.
“I’m your first,” she says, but her pitch goes up at the end like a question.
“But—it was so… peel out of the parking lot good.”
I shake my head, laughing, “I’m hoping that’s a compliment.”
“Just so we’re on the same page, you’re a virgin?”
She pushes against my chest. “Fuck me.”
She has such a potty mouth and I love it. “I did that.”
“Yes you did. Thoroughly, I might add.”
We lean into each other as I pepper her with soft open-lipped kisses. She responds with wrapping her long deft fingers around my shaft. Her movements are small and soothing, but I still harden.
“Do you feel differently about me?”
“Definitely,” she quips. “If that was your first time, I can’t imagine what times two and three are going to be like.” Talynn exhales heavily, moving her hand, laying it on my face. “Honestly, that was the most complete and sensual experience I’ve ever had. There has never been a multiple orgasm night for me.”
When I didn’t think my smile could get any wider, it does. If I could see my reflection, the Cheshire Cat fromAlice in Wonderlandwould be staring back at me. But what’s even better is she has a hearty grin herself.
Swirling her fingers over my chest, without looking at me, she asks, “How did you know what to do?”
“I wasn’t a monk, just a virgin.” I chuckle. “I was always scheduled to be somewhere so when I was interested in a girl, there wasn’t time for everything, if you know what I mean.”
She nods. I don’t want to talk about past experiences when we’re lying naked together.