Page 95 of The One
The other shit I could handle by taking away his shit, but that one called for a more serious takedown, and as much as I wanted to handle it myself, I knew that would be doing her more harm than good. What good would I be to her if I’m behind bars?
I even thought up ways I could do it on the low, but there was no way it wouldn’t come back on me, what with me already going after his business and his money. The cops aren’t that damn stupid, and this one would’ve been all in my ass with her nosy self.
I didn’t think Marcus would’ve made it here so soon, though, since he was always busy these days taking out hits for the government. I also didn’t think he would handle it himself but would get one of his lackeys to do it, but he’d insisted on taking care of it as a favor once he heard what her ex had put her through, and I’d only shared some of what she’d told me.
I knew calling in Marcus Blair was the way to go because he’s always had a soft spot for women who’d suffered at the hands of men. It’s something I’ve heard him go on and on about in the past, and the way he gets all riled up, I knew that shit would make him rabid. Injustice against women and children makes him damn near catatonic.
I could’ve gone with one of my guys, but that was too close to home, so he was the next best thing. I know for sure they won’t be finding his mercenary ass because, well, he’s a mercenary; he thrives on this shit. You’d think someone with his credentials would find a job like the one I offered beneath him, but that’s what friends are for.
Last night when he called, all he said was, ‘it’s done; I’m out,’ and that was that. Now this one is looking at me cross-eyed like she expects me to confess all my sins or some shit. “You good?” I know she’s not crazy enough to want to go see him in the hospital, but she’s so soft; who knows?
“Yeah, I’m fine; it has nothing to do with me.”
Now I looked at her to test the truth of her words, and she was busy eating her pancakes and moaning. That’s my girl!
I walked into the hospital room to find both mother and son there. “Oh good, you’re both here.” I pretended to be surprised like I didn’t have eyes on them and knew exactly where they both were at all times.
“Who are you?” The asshole ex tried turning his head to look at me.
“That’s him.” The mother offered with a whole lot of bile in her voice, and that seemed to be enough for realization to cloud his eyes.
“You, what do you want?” A little pissy for someone that was wrapped up like Ramses.
“From you, nothing, well, that’s not exactly true.” I tossed the envelope in my hand at him.
“What’s this?” What the fuck did Marcus do to his tongue? His words were barely understandable.
“Open it.”
The mother started to get huffy, but it took only one look to get her to settle down. “I didn’t yank your chain yet, don’t bark.” I saw years of indignation in her eyes as she glared at me. I’m almost certain no one on this earth had ever spoken to her like that, but she’s done plenty of putting down and gaslighting with her narcissistic ass. When she realized that I wasn’t the one, she looked away like a whipped puppy, just like all bullies do when they meet someone not willing to put up with their shit.
He fumbled with the envelope while I waited until I saw the look of fear I was expecting cross his face. “This… how did you?” I’ve heard of people losing the color in their faces but never knew that was a real thing until now. He was almost as white as the bandages they had wrapped around his head.
“What is it? Let me see.” She got up from her seat next to his bed, and I quirked my brow as he held the contents close to his chest and shooed her away with a growl. Her golden boy would rather chew off his arm to the pit before letting mommy dearest anywhere near my little gift.
“What do you want?” He turned back to me, not sounding half as bold as he did when I walked in. I should really let him sweat, but I was already feeling claustrophobic in here with these two.
“Give Steph the alimony you owe her, the money you robbed her of in the divorce. After you cut the check, apologize to her, both you and your mother. All the lies you told, clean them up. Then get the hell out of my town.”