Page 9 of The One
I rolled my eyes as the giant frog marched me back into the club and down a long hallway that was different from the one I remember and on the other side of the club. He led us upstairs and opened the door to one room, and left me there before taking her further down the hall.
She didn’t even look back as she got her flirt on. I always knew that heifer would throw me over for some dick. I looked around the room after trying the door and finding it locked. I hadn’t seen him use a key. “Whoa!” This place is nice. Almost as nice as the room I’d slept in that night, although I didn’t get to see much of it.
There were suede couches in deep blood red, the floor was white marble with a gold vein, and the fixtures around the room were the same shade of gold, more twenty-four carat than fourteen. I’ve never seen couches like these before. They were the size of day beds and long, and I’m almost certain that the backs can be pushed back to turn the seats into a bed.
Just what the hell is this place? A high-end house of ill repute would be my first guess. There was every amenity known to man and a fully stocked bar in the corner. If I wasn’t so nervous about what was going on, I’d have made me something, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why security had brought me in here.
Wait a minute. I just let a strange man lock me away in one room while waltzing off with my friend to another. What is it about this place and giving up my inhibitions? I tried the door again, but it was still locked, and I realized I couldn’t hear the music or anything else for that matter.
I looked around for something to use as I walked around the room, muttering to myself. I looked out the window to see how far down it was, and then I got my phone and called Nat. For all I know, she could be halfway to some foreign land to be some asshole's sex slave.
Nat is the type of blonde you see on the news, bless her heart. She’s a top-level attorney who you’d love to see in a courtroom; what she did to my ex in the divorce should be turned into a mini-series, but when it comes to men and social situations, my bestie is dumb as a stump. And with me as her wingman and she as mine, well, there’s no wonder we’re where we are.
“Nat, where the hell are you?”
“Ooh, you have got to see this room.”
“What room, where?”
“I don’t know; it’s not far from yours. Jaz said it’s one of the VIP suites. Hey, did you find out what we supposedly did? He didn’t say anything but wait.”
“Well, that’s one more word than I got which is zilch. Somebody better come open this door before I start breaking shit.” I moved my mouth away from the phone to yell.
“I don’t think it’s anything bad….”
“You flirted with him, didn’t you? And he flirted back just a little to keep you interested.”
“It wasn’t like that; Jax is a nice guy.” This bitch!
“Funny, you didn’t ask me where I am.”
“I know where you are; I was there when he took you to the room, remember.”
“That’s what you think.” I hung up the phone to teach her a lesson, never mind that last week I was the one who was running after strange dick; that was a whole other story. Mr. Hottie was walking around with my babies somewhere on his person.
I must’ve walked that floor a hundred times before I heard movement at the door. I braced myself, ready to let loose on whoever came through that door and ended up forgetting my knowledge of the English language when he walked through the door.
I stood outside the room watching her on my phone to see how she’d react. I’d have expected tantrums or threats at the very least, maybe some of those female weapons, like tears. Instead, she’d prowled around the room muttering to herself, or maybe she was having another one of her intimate conversations with her pussy, who knows.
I was getting a kick out of her antics and mini-meltdown until after her phone call, and then she looked like she was about to destroy my place with her shit. I opened the door, and we stood staring at each other. Her cheeks turned pink, and she looked a bit flustered until her back straightened, her shoulders went back, and she had mayhem in her eyes.
I let my eyes roam over her body as she stood there huffing like a fire-breathing dragon. Up close, that dress did amazing things to her curves, have mercy. It was easy to see from this close that just a slip of s finger down the neckline would reveal the abundant curves of her tits which sat firm and lush on her chest.