Page 74 of The One
“For what?” I was truly at a loss here. I thought for sure she’d be yelling at me, but instead, she seemed pleased. Now I’m really glad I held back with the old lady because I’d had that planned out way differently in my head.
I thought for sure I was going to let her have it with both barrels, but that would only satisfy me. As for my girl, she’d have felt guilty for the rest of her damn life even though she had no need to.
Now, as for the son, well, he’s a whole other story. Today was just the beginning. His mother had only given me the excuse I needed to go after him, but I was going to anyway, just for the way he’d treated her when they were married and the way he and his mother were still trying to blacken her name.
After today I just hope he has the good sense to stay the hell away from my woman so I don’t have to break the damn law, but something tells me he’s not that damn smart. And after what I’d just done, I was pretty certain he was going to show his face before long.
“Hey, babe, why don’t you come home with me for a few days?” She pretended to give it some thought, not realizing that I could feel her heartbeat accelerate against my chest and see the light that filled her eyes.
“Sure, let me go grab some stuff.” She got off my lap, and it was then I noticed what she was wearing.
I guess it was the first thing she’d got her hands on, a thigh-length silk robe in tiger print with some kind of fur around the cuffs and down the front where it closed. Her ass bounced and rolled when she moved, and I was off the couch before she took the third step. I took her down before she reached the stairs and was balls deep in her before she could form the first word.
I’m not too dumb to know why Mace took me to his place after his little confrontation with the monster-in-law. There’s no doubt that had we stayed there; she’d have found a way to torment me for the rest of the night. She’s not known for backing down from anyone, no matter the situation, especially when it comes to me, so who knows what she would’ve come up with. I’m sure Mace had only fobbed her off for a little while before she regrouped.
At first, I’d thought he’d fought with her because she’d interrupted our fun time, but his actions afterward have since led me to believe that he knew more about her than I thought. He’d squared off with her like an old combatant, and when I look back on it, there was way more anger than was warranted over a phone call as inopportune as it was. I’d go so far as to say he actively despised her.
Who told him what or where he got his information from is a mystery since I don’t recall sharing much about my past life with him, and certainly not the fact that that woman has been the bane of my existence for the last twelve years or so, before, during, and after my marriage to her son.
The only other person to stand up to her has been Nat, but that’s because Nat has no filter, and she fears no one, not even the two people who had tried their best to dehumanize me for the entirety of my excuse of a marriage and beyond. But even Nat hasn’t faced off with the old deviant the way Mace had, and I know she hates her guts.
Still, I didn’t question him or the fact that he stayed close even after taking me home with him, almost as if he was protecting me from something. We spent the night wrapped around each other the way I like, and in the morning, I woke to him moving inside me, which is the best way to start any day.
I forgot all about the ex-mother-in-law and that whole ordeal until I arrived at work a few hours later to find two very burly, somewhat familiar-looking men standing on either side of the door to my building like sentinels.
“Excuse me, may I help you?” I asked when one of them opened the door for me. I would’ve remembered if I’d hired a doorman, especially one who looked like a mercenary moonlighting as a security guard.
“Good morning, ma’am; Mace sent us.”
“Mace… why?” I wasn’t sure I should believe him since Mace hadn’t said anything to me when I left him not too long ago, but he did look kind of familiar.
“You’ll have to ask him that, ma’am; we just follow orders.” I hurried inside to my office to do just that.