Page 72 of The One
I took my sweet time walking down the stairs and even remembered at the last minute to unbutton my pants for better effect. I had a pretty good idea who was on the other side of the door, and it was all I could do to keep myself in check. The more she pressed on the bell, the slower I walked; then, I stood on the other side of the door just for kicks until she stopped because I was pretty sure she’d seen me through the glass panes that lined either side of the thick mahogany door.
I opened the door and looked down at the withered old face that peered up at me. She had to be about five-six or thereabouts, but the way she flung her shoulders back and puffed up her chest, you’d be tempted to think she was much bigger than her stature.
It didn’t take much to read her; she’s just one of many typical old bullies who use money and status to keep others in their place. Stephanie is not built to deal with this shit. It’s a wonder she was ever brave enough to file for divorce from this one’s spawn. My respect for her went up another ten notches.
“Who are you?” She tossed the words at me with a glare before I could utter word one.
I slammed the door shut and locked it, and started to walk away. She laid on the bell like it was her lifeline, and I snatched the door back open again but still said nothing.
“How dare you?” She looked me up and down with distaste for my state of undress, I guess.
“Lady, you came to my door and asked who I was. How dare you?” The pleasantness of my tone seemed to rile her up even more, which was fine by me. There’s nothing I like more than making other people show their ass while I come off as the perfect gentleman, and from what I know of her, she deserves it.
I’m sure her nosy-ass friends must have a front two seat because she seems like the type to brag about what she was coming here to do. And since they were the ones to call her ass in the first place, I’ve got something for them too.
“Your door? This is my daughter-in-law’s house.” Oh, she was getting heated. I guess no one has ever thwarted her ancient behind in the process of a takedown before. From what I’ve learned, she’s the type that has been getting her way since she learned to walk and talk; today was not her lucky day. She’d just met the only person in the universe willing to take her blinders off and drag her ass back down here with the rest of us.
“Since you’re not my mother and the only woman who lives here is mine, I think you’ve got the wrong house.” I started to close the door in her face again, but she put her foot in the doorway and a hand on the door to stop me. I let her have this one because I wasn’t quite done with her yet, but I guess she thought that I was like all the others she’d bullied in her two hundred and twenty years on the earth.
“I’m quite certain this is Stephanie’s home; now, where is she? And I don’t appreciate your rudeness, whoever you are. I’ll be sure to have you tossed out of here on your ear. Now I demand to see my daughter-in-law.” She tried pushing past me, which wasn’t going to happen, but I have to applaud the audacity.
I guess this is how she bulldozed my girl in the past and who knows how many others. But unluckily for her, I’m from the school of thought that you have to give respect to gain it. I could give a good damn if she’s trying to outlive Methuselah; I have no respect for a woman, any woman, who’d treat another the way she’d treated my girl when she was in her care.
“And I don’t appreciate being interrupted when I’m making love to my woman. As to your daughter-in-law, there’s an ex in there somewhere, isn’t there? Which means you don’t have any right to be here or to demand anything. But while you’re here, I have something to say to you.”
She didn’t like that I wasn’t letting her pass. It was obvious, and I guess she must’ve hated even more the fact that the neighbors, possibly the same ones who’d snitched to her, were now peeping through their curtains at her. “What could you possibly….?”
“As much as I’d like to, I don’t deal with women, so the next time you do anything to hurt Stephanie, I’m going to take it out of your son.” That stopped her tirade, and she just looked up at me with her mouth open. I knew that would get her since she’s so fond of her darling boy. She should’ve kept the placenta and flushed him if you ask me.