Page 67 of The One
I watched the bartender approach her with a smile, but I couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not. I realize that I won’t be there to vet everyone she comes in contact with, but I needed to be sure that here, where she said she was so comfortable, remained a place she would always feel that way.
“Hey Steph, where’s Nat tonight?”
“She had to work late. I doubt she’ll be here.”
“Drats, she’s good fun. You having your usual tonight?”
“Better not; I’ve got work tomorrow. Give me that virgin drink Nat likes so much.”
“Coming right up.”
Jeannie, the bartender that was on tonight, walked away to make her drink, still smiling, still asking Steph about her weekend.
“It was the best of my young life.” Steph giggled.
“Ooh, girl, I hope the boss took good care of you.”
“He did, he did.” She told her about being out on the boat and the fun she’d had and thankfully left out the seedier side of the weekend we’d shared.
I felt good enough about what I’d seen so far, so I turned off the monitor and headed back downstairs to her. Now my mind went back to what my manager had said about Roz showing up here. Why was she asking about Steph? Did that mean she was ready to apologize?
No, if that was the case, why wouldn’t she come to me for that information? What was she up to? I brooded over that question all the way down but put on a bright smile when she turned and saw me making my way toward her. I refused to let thoughts of my sister intrude on our evening, but I did make the decision to warn security at the door that Roz was not to be let in, no matter what.
Hopefully, that move would drive home the fact that I was serious, and even if she were here to apologize, I didn’t want her bothering us this evening. I still had a long way to go to make up for what she’d done. Besides, if she was here to apologize, I’d have to tell Steph what the hell she was apologizing for, and I didn’t want anything to put a damper on her spirits; she already seemed a bit shy and nervous.
She looked beautiful tonight, not that she doesn’t always, but the last couple of times, she’s really stood out. This dress, though made in a completely different style from the last, still accented her body in a way that was hard to miss.
I felt much lighter as I reached her side, knowing that the evening was going to end on a sexy note. I’d let her escape the house untouched this time because I was sure she was still sore from our weekend, but another few hours should be enough to get her back into fighting form.
“What scent are you wearing?” I sniffed behind her ear where the scent was coming from and felt something run through me. How could something as simple as a scent make me feel this happy?
“Arabian Sandalwood.” Her voice was breathy and hot, and the way she gripped her glass told me she was as bothered as I was.
“Hmm, where else did you put it?”
“Mace!” Her cute exclamation and the way she scrunched up her shoulders made me grin.
“I’ll find out for myself as soon as we leave here.” Her shiver matched mine, and I forgot where I was for a minute.
So far, so good. Steph was smiling and having a good time, and from what I saw, my staff seemed to genuinely like her. Their smiles when they saw her, the way some of them called out of her from across the room as they went about their business, was proof of that. I hadn’t realized that she’d become so friendly with most of them the few times she’d been here, but I was pleased to see that there were no assholes on my payroll, just nice down to earth men and women who saw a human being when dealing with her.
She had conversations with some of them that clued me into the fact that they’d shared things with her that I didn’t even know about. She knew them all by name, asked after the kids of those who had families, and even asked after someone’s grandmother that was in the hospital. I guess I can see why I’d overheard them saying that she was good for me, that I should keep her around. She was able to do what I, as their boss wasn’t, plus she has a positive effect on me if they’re to be believed.
It was kind of eye-opening in more ways than one, to tell the truth. I learned that my staff found it easy to open up to her when most of them were afraid to even approach me, and I saw her genuine interest when one of them stopped by to chat. The girl had only been here a handful of times, and already she had most of my staff eating out of her hand.