Page 62 of The One
It wasn’t like that with my ex; I was always conscious of my weight, maybe because he never let me forget that I wasn’t a perfect ten.
Now there’s Mace, who makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world just by taking my hand in his. It would be easy to think that he’s just paying lip service, but his actions speak volumes. Just remembering the way he’d taken such good care of me that night at his club and then again on the boat gives me tingles.
Of course, life had to go back to normal come Monday morning, but nothing could take the shine from my glorious weekend, and his early morning phone call had only made me feel even more elated. What man do you know whose voice is as potent over the phone as it is in person?
It felt like he was in the room with me, and more than that, the fact that he couldn’t start the day without hearing my voice, or so he’d said, was enough to make my ovaries tremble. I’m not the showy kind, but when he says things like that, I want to shout to the world that he’s mine.
It's getting easier to accept that this is real, that he’s not playing some kind of game, not just trolling on the oversize side for kicks. I know they’re men who do that, men who like to hide and have their way with plus-sized women but wouldn’t be caught dead with them in public.
Not my Mace; he doesn’t seem to care or notice, truth be known, that someone who looks like him shouldn’t be with someone like me. His attitude is even starting to help me realize that I am more than just my body and size.
The fact that he doesn’t go on and out about my size and my need to lose weight, something else I’d had to put up with from my ex, who didn’t look half as good as Mace, also goes a long way to helping me forget the differences between us. It was hard putting thoughts of him aside, but alas, duty called, and I had to switch gears to work mode.
I made it all through the day without incident, wearing a silly smile on my face, and the time seemed to just fly by. Before I knew it, it was time to check out for the day, and I was excited about what the evening might hold. Mace had said he’d come over later, and we’d do something or stay in and watch a movie of my choice if I was still too tired from the weekend.
That’s another thing, now that Mace was in my life, I find myself looking forward to my nights more than at any other time in my life. Thoughts of him fill up my days, keeping less pleasant things at bay and putting my heart at ease. And then, at night, he’s there to hold me, to sleep next to me with his arms wrapped protectively around me.
My phone rang as soon as I got into the car, and I smiled when I saw that it was Nat calling. From the sound of her voice when I answered, it seemed like happiness was in the air because even Nat, the world’s pickiest woman, had found love.
We shared a nice conversation over the phone as I made my way home in the car, and I got to relive the highlights of my weekend with her as we compared notes on our guys. It was like high school all over again, not that I ever had this much fun back then.
I was happy for her, happy for both of us, actually, and hoping that things worked out well on both fronts. This would be the first time we’d both been in a relationship at the same time. I won’t count my marriage because that was never good, and she’s so dang picky that she’s never really found anyone she cared to keep around for longer than a few days or weeks.
“I think your Miss. Kitty is right, don’t mess this up. From what I’ve learned and seen so far, Mace is a really good guy. I think we might’ve both lucked out; fingers crossed.”
“I know, I feel the same. Is Jaxx really treating you alright?”
“Girl, you know I wouldn’t keep him around if he wasn’t.”
“But he’s not your usual type.”
“And maybe that’s why it’s so much better. I don’t know why I didn’t try more cream in my coffee before.” She’s worse than Miss. Kitty with the double entendre stuff. Nat usually dates men of her own social background and ethnicity; it’s always been a thing with her, though men of all types fall at her feet at first sight.
We’re polar opposites of each other in every way. She’s tall, svelte, and model thin with chocolate brown unblemished skin that even my dermatologist would kill for, whereas I’m pasty white with freckles across my nose and not so thin. But we work together and have since our middle school days.