Page 43 of The One
“When you tell someone you love them, things are supposed to change between you, aren’t they?” If he said he only thought he loved me, I’d bite his nipple off.
“What do you want to do?” I shrugged my shoulders and tried to pretend indifference, but I wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all him.
I knew he was only teasing me when he rolled me beneath him with that facetious grin of his, and before I could take him to task, he was slipping inside me again as his lips covered mine, and I lost all thought for the next two hours or so. Let me tell you, making love with someone who loves you, someone you trust and believe is a completely different experience.
Not that we weren’t magic before, but now that the words had been spoken and there was no longer any room for doubt, it was as if something had been released inside me. Something that had been bound and strung tight as a bow, and the freedom that came with that feeling was felt throughout my entire system.
Even Ms. Kitty preened and was on her best behavior as my juices flowed like an untapped beer keg, meaning I’ve never cum so much and so hard in my life, not even with Mace. And the hunger, geez, I thought I was greedy for him before, but tonight that hunger became ravenous need, and I held nothing back, and it seemed neither did he.
When I awakened in his arms the next morning, even the birds sounded louder outside my bedroom window as if they knew and were celebrating with me. And as if his words of love weren’t enough, when he walked me down the steps before we parted for the day, he drew me in close and nuzzled my cheek the way they do in the movies, and I was dripping wet again.
“Pack a bag when you get home this evening; you’re spending the weekend at my place. I’ll pick you up around seven.” It’s sad that I’m not going to live long enough to enjoy this feeling because my heart will give out before the day is over. It could be my imagination, but even his arms felt gentler, more lover-like when he helped me into my car and strapped me in.
I smiled all the way to work after the kiss we shared right there in my open car door, and I’m pretty sure I floated into the building and all the way up to my desk. That lasted until about nine when my phone rang and I saw that familiar number. This woman hadn’t called me this much when I was married to her son; now, it seems a day doesn’t go by without hearing from her, and it’s never good.
I told myself not to answer, not to let her sour disposition cloud my joy, but years of training had me picking up the call even though Ms. Kitty grouched like she was about to have a meltdown. “Hello.”
“I see my words mean nothing to you; you’re still carrying on with your disrespectful behavior. I expect you at the house no later than this evening so we can address this issue. My son is not at all pleased with this turn of events, and you owe him an explanation. Do we understand each other?” she had a lot more to say, most of which implied that I was a woman of ill repute, neglecting to add that her son had moved on with some poor soul who was probably regretting the day she met him and his harpoon of a mother.
Why do I always become tongue-tied in the face of her tyranny? I owe her nothing and him even less, so why can I be forceful and bold with everyone else but her? I didn’t answer because I was shaking too hard to separate my lips from my teeth, and I sat with the phone attached to my ear long after she’d hung up after tearing me down to the ground once again.
Nat called not long after, and the excitement I’d felt at telling her about Mace’s confession of love was dulled. Of course, she picked up on the fact that something was off, and I spilled it all, not realizing that she now shared everything with Jaxxon, who apparently shares everything with his boss.
By lunch, I received an unexpected visit from Mace. Now, I’m the kind of girl who likes when other women drool over her man from afar, of course. I like the looks of disbelief on their faces when he comes to me and puts his arms around me or just smiles at me in that way of his, but I couldn’t even enjoy it when my staff looked on with googly eyes as he walked through the building and into my office where he closed the door. They were still craning their necks to see through the wall of glass, and I could imagine the conversations being had.