Page 35 of The One
I didn’t last long this time either, like the last two times I’d had her since picking her up off the floor in front of her door. “Fine, let’s go feed that other insatiable hunger of yours.” My dick was a sorry replica of its former self when it finally slipped out of her, and this time I had enough strength to drag her into the shower to get her cleaned up.
In the end, we ordered in instead of going out because neither of us wanted to get dressed, and besides, experience has taught me that I wasn’t done with her yet for the night. I’m still coming to terms with this whole rollercoaster of a ride, and in the back of my mind, it’s like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I’ve slept in her bed every night since the first and still find myself waking up in the night just to look at her face as she sleeps, questioning whether or not this is real or if, like all the other attempts in the past, this too would fizzle out and become a distant memory like so many others have done.
Somehow, in the pit of my gut and somewhere near the center of my chest, I know that that won’t happen. That where before, I never had any real interest in fighting to hold on; this time, just the thought of us not working out leaves me cold. She’d let me in, sure, but I don’t kid myself that there aren’t still hurdles in our way, most of them in her own mind.
We both share something else too. That fear of something we want staying just out of our reach. She doesn’t yet believe that she’s just what I’m looking for, and I can’t over that niggling doubt in the back of my mind that one day her own doubts are going to take her away from me.
“Hey, is that play on again tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but the tickets are sold out. Don’t worry about it; I guess I can see it the next time they’re in town.” We both knew that was unlikely to happen anytime soon, if at all.
“I’ll figure it out.” I wiped some sauce from her chicken piccata off her chin and left my thumb there to tease the crease beneath her lip.
“Why are you looking at me?”
“Did you know you have specks of gold in your eyes?” I saw her pulse race in her throat, and heat came into her eyes. “Damn, again?” She blushed and bit into her lip, sealing her fate. No doubt she’s going to bitch and moan in the morning as she has every morning this week about being sore.
I pulled her from her chair onto my lap and kissed her lips, tasting the tanginess from her dinner. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the way she just melts into me or that sweet sigh she releases into my mouth every time.
“Listen, Mace, stop screwing with my ovaries. Get that thing outta there.” He eased off, and I felt some relief, but then the dirty bastard went after my G-spot, and I shook my leg like a dog in the bushes. By the time I came back to my senses, he was pounding into me hard enough to shake the bed coming into the home stretch.
We’ve been playing footloose and fancy-free when it comes to protection but believe it or not, pregnancy and babies are the last things on my mind. As soon as he touches me, nothing else seems to matter, and my mind, my very being, is solely focused on him and only him and the way he makes me feel.
“Fuck, I did it again.” Boy, did you ever. I don’t know much about the human body, but I’m almost certain that a man’s not supposed to cum this much, not after the fourth or fifth time. Not that I’m complaining, mind you; other than facing the embarrassment of having to have the sheets changed every day for a week or having to change panty liners at least three times a day, all is well.
I can’t place all the blame for either of those things on him, though, since I, too, leak like a geyser each and every time, which I think has become addictive. I yearn for him when he’s not here, and not just the sex either; I miss everything about him as soon as we’re apart.
His looks, his scent, the way he makes me laugh, even something as little as the way he places his hand in the small of my back when we walk into a place touches something deep inside me. Something soft and needy that has never been filled by anyone else.
I didn’t bother responding to his comment because this wasn’t the first time he’d made it, and I was not about to take the blame again this time. Between him and Miss. Kitty, I’ve been having a time of it, and I can only imagine her gripes after his latest shenanigans. My insides felt like they’d been pulverized by a sledgehammer.