Page 20 of The One
I don’t share; it’s not in me. So if we go there, she’s going to have to know that all of her belongs to me. The shy, sweet girl that’s trying so hard to be brave, to hide the hurt and disappointment she feels. The sexual being that has yet to be untapped, and the powerhouse she’d one day be, will all belong to me; every facet of her being will be mine if I want it to be.
I sat at the table in front of the one-way glass window, looking out on the crowd. She’d let me undress her here, had fought her own insecurities without complaint. She’d responded well to her punishment as well, and knowing what little of her personality I do right now, there’s going to be a lot more of that in her future.
I stayed awake most of the night, trying to make sense of that whole encounter. Now, I’m not ready to give up on my crazy idea, but I also have to decide if crazy outweighs fuck hot sex because I think Ms. Kitty might be right. His sex appeal is too damn hot for him not to be packing.
Unless he’s like my ex, who knows how to fake it from watching his secret stash of porn, when I think of that, I think of the poor unsuspecting woman who’s going to end up with him because of his false façade of charm.
But no, I don’t get that feeling from Mace. He seems very intense, sure, especially when it comes to his rules, but other than that, I don’t see any similarities between him and my ex. By the time I fell asleep, I was still no closer to an answer.
I came awake slowly the next morning. Unlike the last time, I knew exactly where I was. My heart did a little blip when I found myself laying on his hard naked chest with his arms around me. What is it about a big strong man holding you against his chest that makes you feel safe?
“You’re awake!” His sexy voice rumbled from above my head. I looked up into his eyes, no shadows. He inclined his head towards the bathroom, probably remembering the last time and me covering my mouth. I climbed down off the bed, only then remembering that I was naked except for a very high-cut pair of lace flesh-colored panties.
I hightailed it into the shower, but this time I didn’t stop to have any clandestine conversations. I hopped right into the shower because between my legs was sticky. I realized as I washed myself that that was the most sexual fun I’ve ever had, and I hadn’t even cum.
I looked at my soiled underwear with disdain and snatched them up off the floor, not even tempted to put them back on. I found a robe, presumably his, that actually fit around me and pulled it on before opening the door. “I wasn’t sure how you liked it, but you look like a sugar and cream kinda girl to me.”
He passed me a cup of steaming hot coffee, and I blushed as I took it. He must think I’m a complete rube, blushing over a cup of coffee, but he can have no idea I’ve fantasized about my man bringing me coffee or anything in bed for that matter. It’s the little things for me that count the most. I despise grand gestures that have no real meaning behind them.
“I’ll be right out.” He took his coffee into the shower with him, and I hunted down my bra and dress. I was dressed by the time he was done in the shower, just sitting on the edge of his bed, worrying that I’d overstayed my welcome like the last time.
“I guess I’ll get going then.”
“Did you drive this time?”
“Um yeah, I did.”
“Wait, let me get dressed, and I’ll walk you out. I have to get home myself.”
“Home, you don’t live here?”
“It’s a bedroom and an office on top of a club, Stephanie; I’d lose my damn mind if I lived here, and I’ve lived in smaller places.”
He gave me an odd look when I stood, and I realized that the split in my dress had fallen way open and exposed Ms. Kitty in all her unshaved glory. “Oops!” I tried covering myself as he walked over to me with a stern look on his face. “Where’re your panties?”
“Oh, um, I put them in my purse; I didn’t want to put them back on because, you know.” I shrugged my shoulders.
Did he always have those specks of silver in his blue eyes? “You were gonna walk out of here with your pussy exposed in a dress that can do that?” My mouth opened, but no words came. What was he expecting me to say? Ms. Kitty perked right the hell up at his tone, and I had to bite into my lower lip to keep the moan in check.