Page 17 of The One
“What will….ow.”
It burned like hell, and I felt tears gather and start to fall. I was pinned between his body and the chair with my hands bound behind my back; there was no way for me to escape. I counted ten strikes with the leather belt, each one harder than the last, and lost count when the burning in my ass became too much.
He stopped right then as if he’d timed it perfectly. “Sit down, Stephanie.” He pulled out the chair I’d been leaning over and helped me sit. Sadist, he must’ve known that would hurt. “Have you eaten?” What? Is he insane? He didn’t look crazy that night or that morning either.
“When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me.”
“No, I was going to have dinner with Nat later. Where is she, by the way?”
“If I know Jaxxon, bent over somewhere getting fucked. Do you like sushi?” He just got up from the table and left me sitting there with my mouth hanging open.
He came back with an assortment of sushi rolls; thank goodness they were the cooked kind. I gestured for him to untie my hands, but he ignored me and picked up some chopsticks, and Ms. Kitty was in her element. She loves a cultured man. Me, I was in that strange place between hope and despair. I was hoping that he wasn’t crazy because my body was all for him. But his laid-back attitude and the way he bounces from one thing to another have me on the edge. It will be a real shame if he turns out to be nuts.
He dipped one of the rolls in sauce and fed it to me. Of course, some dropped on my ample tit. I cleaned it off with his finger and licked it clean. “Are you afraid of pain, Stephanie?” Dafuq, is this Norman Bates shit again?
“Ah, what do you mean?”
“Your ears, when did you get them pierced?”
“When I was a teen. Why?”
“Did it hurt?”
“Oh, that, no, it was little more than a sting.”
“Good, I want you to get your navel pierced; I think it would look good on you.”
“Me? I don’t think they make those things for fat people.” Geez, see what I mean? He’s perfect. I’ve been sitting here for what, a half-hour? And I totally forgot I was naked. Too bad he’s nuts.
“Do you find that word offensive when other people say it, Stephanie?”
“What word? Fat? Not really; it’s the truth. I mean, sometimes it hurts my feelings, sure, but you know, after you’ve heard it a thousand times, you kinda get used to it?” And why are we talking about this?
“If you don’t approve of other people saying it about you, why would you say it about yourself? Don’t do it again. I’m going to have to punish you for that.” He got up and went off somewhere. I heard water running, so he must’ve been in the bathroom.
‘Not now, Ms. Kitty.’
‘Listen here, when he comes back out here, you do whatever it takes, and I mean whatever, to get me some.
‘What’re you talking about? Are you crazy? Get you some of what? My ass is on fire as it is and who knows what else this crazy man has in store. I say let’s get the hell out of here.”
‘Nuh-uh, no way, now you listen to me. I put up with that teeny-weeny shit you saddled me with for ten years, and this is my due. Any man with that much confidence has got to be packing heat. Watch out now; here he comes.’
“Tell me, Stephanie, are you always this disruptive? This will be your third punishment this evening.” He walked over and lifted me from the chair before sitting me back in his lap, spreading my legs over his and keeping them apart.
“Now, do you know why your last punishment was harsher than the first?”
“Not really, no.” Why is it that he always happens to sit me anywhere but on his dick? I’ve been in a constant state of arousal all evening, even when I’m questioning his sanity.
“The first was an honest mistake, so I spanked you with my hand. It will sting for a bit, but the pain won’t last. I expect you to make more of those types of mistakes; you’re the type.”
“But the second was intentional and meant to get a rise out of me. That punishment’s effects will last much longer, and you will remember it and why it happened. Do not ever try to use another man against me. That’s the one boundary you’re not allowed to cross ever.”
His voice was doing something to my insides. How did I think that it was laid-back before? There was so much strength, such power in his tone; how had I missed it before? He’s like a tiger stalking his prey, ready to strike. “And now, I have to punish you yet again for insulting yourself, which is an insult to me since I’ve chosen to fuck you.”