Page 5 of Pick Love
“Compatible?” He fills in for me.
“That’s a nicer way to say it. I thought appealing.”
“I took my number and left.” He shrugs. His eyes still linger on me. “What did your card say?” He steps farther into the tent. I’m not sure it should be called that.
When I think of a tent, I imagine it being green with some sleeping bags on the ground and in the middle of the woods. This is the exact opposite of what I was picturing. There are actually two full beds here. They are only a few inches apart from each other. They could easily be pushed together or farther apart. I thought about pushing them apart quickly before whoever picked me got here.
It’s more a hut than anything with wood floors and nightstands. A small house with the beach right there. The only thing it didn’t have was a bathroom, which was in another area that everyone shared.
“Not much. That I have a bachelor's degree and work at a rescue sanctuary.” My card had sounded really lame compared to the other girls’.
They somehow described who they were while making it sound sexy. I have to admit that I’m a tad disappointed that he hadn’t picked my card. That he just took what he got. I was sure after reading the other girls’ cards, I’d be the last one someone would want to pick.
“Was I the name you hoped would show up?” He smirks. My face warms, and I know he can see that I’m blushing.
“Your name popped out to me.” I admit. Leo, what are the odds?
He had been the most attractive when I’d glanced over the board they’d pinned the pictures to. I wasn’t the only one who thought that either.
All the other guys posed for their pictures while Leo had an annoyed expression on his face. As though he wanted to be doing anything else besides posing for that photo. One guy was even flexing. I secretly prayed that I didn’t get paired up with that one. Then again, Leo doesn’t have to try to be hot. He is hot without effort. You could tell that even from a picture.
I have the urge to fidget, but I stop myself. I don’t know why I'm so damn nervous. I mean, I work with cats that are twice my size every day, and I never feel this unsettled around them. And they could eat me for an afternoon snack in a blink of an eye.
“I’m Quinn,” I blurt out, thrusting my hand out for him to shake. He looks at it for a second before his hand envelops mine, causing me to get goosebumps.
“You’re not what I thought was going to be inside this tent.” I jerk my hand back from his. “Shit, that sounded bad. I am going to be the asshole.” He shakes his head. “Sorry, I meant I thought you would be some social media influencer who takes pictures all day.”
“Right.” I step back. That was a twofold smack to the face. One, I’m clearly not sexy enough to do such a thing, and two, I think I do fall under being a social media influencer. “And what is it that you do?”
“Not much. I’m the rich one.”
“Trust fund baby?” He full-on smiles at my small dig. If he was going to give them to me, so could I.
“I used to dabble in tech.”
“Used to?”
“Kind of retired.” He’s young to be retired, but I guess if you’re rich, you can do whatever you want. His eyes linger on my lips. “Glad the cameras didn’t follow me in.”
“They don’t need to.” I nod to one of the three strapped to the corner of the tent’s walls. “And you’re not supposed to talk about them,” I remind him. We’re all supposed to pretend the cameras aren’t there. It makes the viewers feel as though this is real and not staged.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters. I bite my tongue not to point out that dropping the F bomb is another no-no. I don’t think Leo would care. I’m actually starting to get the impression he wants to be anywhere but here.
“They’re going to be everywhere.”
“We need everyone to gather outside,” a woman shouts. I go to leave the tent. Leo's hand comes down on my shoulder.
“Maybe you should put a shirt on.” I pull back so his hand falls from my arm. “The sun,” he quickly adds. I don’t know if he made that last part up because he realized he was being rude or what. For someone that has a give-no-shits attitude, I’m not thinking it’s the sun that he’s concerned about.
“They haven’t brought my stuff down.”
“Take mine.” He starts to pull his own shirt off.
“Don’t.” I stop him. “You’re playing your part well. The asshole.” I unzip the tent.
“Quinn,” he calls after me, but I ignore him, making my escape. Not that I can go far. I’m not sure how long Leo and I will be sharing a tent. I’m sure they will shake things up at some point.