Page 9 of The Darkness In You
We pulled into the entrance of an industrial estate that looked to be deserted. Zayde brought the bike to a stop outside a small warehouse, turning off the engine and putting down the kickstand. He indicated for me to wait while he climbed off, heading over to a lockbox situated on the wall. When he returned to the bike, after unlocking the warehouse garage door, he steered us inside. I climbed off, stretching and removing my helmet. After placing it on the seat, I glanced around the space. “Where are we?”
“A warehouse. It’s not much…you deserve better, but no one will find us here.”
He wouldn’t look at me, and I rounded the bike, stepping up to him and sliding my arms around his waist. “I’m happy wherever I am if it means I get to be with you.”
“Yeah, but you deserve so much more than this,” he said, his voice low.
I knew he hated that he couldn’t give me the things other people took for granted. I dreaded the time when his friends, all of whom were single, settled down. It would make things hit home for both of us. At least for now, we could hold on to the fact that we had something special, something that was just ours, something that I treasured with every part of me.
Reaching up, I placed a kiss to his stubbled jaw. “So do you. Come on, are you going to show me where we’re going to spend the night, then?”
In reply, he took my hand and led me into the warehouse.
When we reached the small office and he’d flipped the light on, my gaze went straight to the futon bed that had been placed there, the other furniture stacked or pushed against the wall to make space. I swallowed a little nervously because although we’d done things together, it had never been in a bed.
He looked at me, and I knew he could read the apprehension in my eyes. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss across my lips. “No pressure.”
His words reassured me.
And I wanted him.
“I want this.” Unzipping my jacket, I flung it in the direction of the desk, not caring where it landed.
His eyes, normally icy, filled with fire, and it made me burn. Shrugging off his own jacket, he stepped towards the bed and held out his hand.
“Come here, baby.”
* * *
The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the tattooed arm slung over my waist. Then I registered the hard, warm body against my back, and a smile spread across my face.
This was the first time we’d spent the night together.
It had been the best night of my life so far, and I knew I’d never forget it.
My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. Usually I kept it on silent, but since I’d been away from the house overnight, there was no way I’d risk anything. Even though I didn’t think my parents knew I was here yet, if I was uncontactable while I was back in Alstone, it would be disastrous.
Automatically swiping to answer, I glanced at the screen, covering the speaker and muttering to Zayde, “Please stay asleep.” I cleared my throat. “Hailey. Hi.”
“Hey, are you free today at all? I got some good news, and I feel like celebrating.”
Twisting my head to look at Zayde, who still had his eyes closed, I lowered my voice. “Um…when?”
There was a small pause, and then she said, “Whenever. I’m free all day.”
Next to me, I felt Zayde’s body move. Long lashes blinked, and then suddenly, his eyes were open and focused on me. I shook my head at him, and he raised a dark brow. He looked so gorgeous, his hard edges softened with sleep. My breaths stuttered at the thought that maybe I was the first person to see him like this.
Placing my hand back over the phone speaker, I leaned down to him. “It’s Hailey. She wants to meet me.”
His gaze sharpened, instantly awake. “I’ll take you. The Red Lion’s close.”
I gave him a small smile, trailing my hand up over the defined muscles of his bicep as I replied to Hailey. “Do you want to get lunch? Meet at the Red Lion pub?”
“Okay. Is twelve-ish okay with you?”
Twelve?I mouthed to Zayde, and he inclined his head in agreement. Returning my attention to my friend, I said, “Yeah. See you then.”
When I ended the call, Zayde reached out, taking the phone from me. He placed it on the floor next to the futon, and then he lifted his hand to my face. His fingers smoothed back my hair, pushing the long strands behind my ear where they had fallen into my eyes. I shivered under his touch. Those hands that could be so cruel were so gentle with me.