Page 65 of The Darkness In You
My dick hardened in my underwear as I took her in. I wanted to fuck her so badly. To claim her as mine. I needed to go at her pace, but I wanted her so fucking much.
“Down, boy.” Mack gave a low whistle, eyeing my obvious boner with a smirk, and I gave him my middle finger. “Can’t blame you,” he added in an undertone, and I glared at him. He held up his hands in mock surrender, taking a step back from me. “It’s a free country. I can look. But I know she’s yours.”
Too fucking right. She was mine. Always had been, always would be.
Fallon’s wide-eyed gaze bounced around the kitchen, and I moved towards her, needing to reassure her that everything was okay, but Winter got to her first. She whispered something in her ear, and Fallon nodded, and then they disappeared from the kitchen.
When they returned and we were all seated at the table, Fallon was wearing leggings with my T-shirt. Was she still wearing my boxers underneath?
“No boners at the table.” Cassius yanked back his chair, widening his eyes dramatically as he stared down at my dick.
First Mack, now him?Was he asking to be stabbed?
It was easy to keep my mask in place, though, and I just raised a brow. “What about last week when Jessa was reading—”
“Zayde,” he hissed, and my lips curved upwards. It was fun to fuck with him.
“Was that the fae book?” Kinslee asked from across the table, and after that question, it was a fucking free-for-all, with way too much information about the anatomy of supposedly immortal beings that no one should ever have to hear at the breakfast table.
But no one stopped the discussion because it was our version of normality. We were reminding ourselves that those bloodhounds outside weren’t worthy of our attention, and all that mattered was the people inside.
When breakfast was over and everyone had dispersed, I found myself in the garage on a reclining chair next to Mack’s portable tattoo setup. Fallon was there with us, running her fingers over the surface of the tools, never quite touching, asking Mack questions about the process and which tool did what. He answered all her questions patiently, and every now and then, when Fallon’s attention was diverted, he gave me a pointed look. Once, he even mouthedgo for it, and I had to hold myself back from saying something I’d regret. It wasn’t his fault that he knew fuck all about Fallon’s and my situation.
When he’d shaved and prepped the area he was going to ink, I reached out my hand to Fallon. She’d never been here for this process before, but it felt right. The buzz of the needle started up, and her fingers tightened around mine. I watched her focusing on Mack’s needle as the black lines appeared on my skin right alongside my scar.
It didn’t take him long to finish, and after he’d cleaned me up, he sat back with a grin on his face. “Anything else I can do for you while I’m here? Want me to pierce your balls?”
“Fuck off.”
“Can you pierce ears?”
We both turned at the sound of Fallon’s voice. She looked between Mack and me with a tiny, hesitant smile. “My dad never let me have them done, and I’d like to.”
“I can do that. Sit here.” Mack tapped my thigh, and after a second’s hesitation, she came and sat on me, taking care to avoid the area that had just been inked. My arms immediately wrapped around her waist, and she leaned back against my chest with a sigh.
As Mack went through the procedure, she melted into me, and it felt so fucking good to hold her in front of someone I knew. Everything between us in the past had been hidden, and to have this with her now…yeah, I could get used to this.
When he prepped her ear and positioned the needle, she curled into me, and I held on to her, savouring the moment. It was over in seconds, but even after her second lobe was pierced and Mack had explained the aftercare, she still held on to me tightly, and there was no way I was letting her go. Still curled into my body, she took the mirror Mack handed to her with a smile on her face, examining the small diamond studs in her earlobes.
“I like them. Thank you,” she murmured softly.
“Anytime. I can pierce or tattoo wherever you like.” He winked at her, and she huffed out an amused laugh.
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” She twisted on my lap, her eyes meeting mine. “Can we talk?”
More talking. This was all so fucking far out of my comfort zone.
But as we’d already established, for her, I’d do anything.
Iwas ready to face my past.
It was time.
I’d been putting it off for so long, and now it was here. I’d asked Zayde to give me some time on my own to go through everything in my head, and then I wanted to talk to him. This would be the moment when we either moved on together or went our separate ways.
Lying back on Zayde’s bed, I closed my eyes and for the first time allowed the memory to play through my mind in full.