Page 67 of Anti-Valentine
“Hmm. Good idea. I did get Liam hooked onAttack on Titan, so maybe I can get him to watch another anime with me in return for me sitting through a match.” He weaved through the groups of people heading towards the car park, instead heading for the changing rooms, and I followed behind him.
“It’s all about give and take.” I grinned at him as we joined the other families and friends of the players who were gathered around the exit to the changing rooms. There was a palpable sense of celebration in the air, like there always was when we’d won a match, and I couldn’t wait to see Ander, to share his happiness.
The doors opened and the players piled out, freshly showered and most in their LSU football team hoodies. As soon as I saw Ander, he gave me a wide, bright smile and held out his arms.
I didn’t need any more prompting. I launched myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck while he gripped me around the waist. His lips were on mine before I’d even had a chance to take a breath.
A loud wolf whistle broke through the private little bubble we’d created, and I remembered that this wasn’t so private after all. The opposite, in fact. I could feel my cheeks flushing as Ander ended the kiss, smiling against my lips.
“Hi,” he said softly. “I love you.”
“Hi. I love you back.” Had I ever been this happy before?
We both turned to the source of the wolf whistle—a smirking Kian—and Ander lifted a hand from my back to give him the middle finger. He then tugged me into his side, turning to face the assorted players and supporters who were staring at us with unconcealed curiosity—which I was betting had something to do with the fact that everyone knew me as his best friend and him as a player. Of women, as well as football.
“I can see you’re all nosy buggers, wanting to know my business,” Ander spoke loudly. “So I’ll satisfy your curiosity here and now. I, Ander Loveridge, am officially off the market, thanks to this one.” He pointed a thumb at me, following it up with a smacking kiss to my cheek, and I couldn’t help laughing.
I caught Noah’s eye, and he mouthed,So happy for you, before giving me a thumbs up. Meanwhile, Liam was making a rude gesture at Ander involving his tongue in his cheek, and Ander was responding by flipping him off.
“Why are our friends such bellends?” Ander wondered aloud.
“They probably say the same about us.”
He shook his head. “Me, definitely, but not you. You’re the nicest, kindest, fucking sweetest person I know. Did I tell you how cute you look in that woolly hat and scarf?”
“I’m not cute,” I protested as he dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose.
“You are. Cute. Sexy. Fucking beautiful.” He punctuated his words with kisses. “And you’re all mine.”
A hand suddenly came down on Ander’s shoulder, and we both jumped, finding his football coach shaking his head at us. “Okay, Loveridge, enough of the lovey-dovey crap. Get out of here; they’re waiting to lock up.” His face was stern, but there was a twinkle in his eyes, and when Ander saluted him, his hard exterior melted away. “Good job today. Go and celebrate, both of you. You’ve earned it.”
He was right. We had earned it.
* * *
A large portion of the team and their significant others had gathered at number 3, sprawled across the sofas and the floor. Beer cans littered the coffee table, and pizza boxes were strewn around the room, the signs of our celebrations. I was squeezed on one of the sofas, the arm of the chair on one side, and Ander on my other side. His arm was around me, and I was playing with his fingers while we argued with Travis and Liam about whether to watch a film or play on the PS5. In the end, Travis decided that he had the final say as the head of the house, and because neither Ander nor I lived there, our votes didn’t count.
“We’re watching a film. Half the guys here won’t pay any attention anyway, and we won’t have people arguing about whose turn it is to play,” he said.
“Okay, but I’m choosing what we watch.” Ander swiped the remote from the coffee table. “Unless anyone has anything they really wanna watch?”
No one objected, and with a grin, he navigated through the various streaming apps until he found what he was looking for.
“Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse,” I read aloud and then groaned. “Is this going to be another one that scares me so much I can’t sleep?”
Ander laughed. “Look what it says. It’s a comedy.”
“It also says horror.”
Hitting Play, he tugged me closer, placing his mouth to my ear. “Exactly. I want you to cuddle me when you get scared, and then I want to cuddle you in your bed all night long to protect you from any zombies that want to eat your brains.”
“There’s something wrong with you. Why would you purposely want me to get scared?” My complaint was half-hearted at best, and Ander knew it because he grinned widely and then kissed me.
“It’s romantic. Look, everyone else is doing it.”
I looked around the room at the few people who were actually paying attention to the TV screen. He was right—they were all looking quite cosy with each other. Although a lot of that probably had to do with the fact that we were all crammed in, so we couldn’t help being practically on top of each other.
With a sigh, I angled my body towards him, releasing his hand and throwing my arm across his waist. “You’d better cuddle me all night. And if I get nightmares and need therapy, you’re paying.”