Page 31 of Anti-Valentine
There was no one here to see. No one to put on a show for. Just me and him and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.
“Fuck, E,” I groaned, widening my legs and allowing our thighs to slot together. The feel of his hardness against me was something that had been a curiosity the first time, but now it stoked the embers into an inferno in my body. Pressing harder into him, my cock throbbing, I rolled my hips, making him gasp. Fuck. I didn’t want to stop. Warning bells were blaring, but I ignored them. I just…I just wanted to know what he looked like when he came. The sounds he made.
Our kisses turned desperate, and our movements sped up. It was fast, it was frantic, and then it was suddenly over as Elliot yanked his body out of my grip with a pained cry.
Shit. What had I done? I’d just fucked everything up, hadn’t I?
“Elliot. I’m—”
“Don’t say it.” His voice was thick with unshed tears, and I forgot all of my issues. All I cared about was making sure he was okay. But he was already pulling away from me, staggering backwards, putting distance between us.
“E. Come back here.”
“N—no. I need to go. I need…I need space.Please.” Tears were already gathering on his lashes, and it instantly made me feel like the world’s biggest asshole. I’d pushed things too far, and I’d made my best friend cry.
“Okay.” I held up my hands, my heart fucking breaking at the look on his face. “I’ll give you as much space as you need.”
‘Th—thank you.” His voice cracked, and then he was properly crying. He stared at me, stricken, and then he turned on his heel and fled.
I slumped back against the wall, attempting to swallow around the lump in my throat.
* * *
I paused my creeping movements through the darkened hallway of my parents’ house. I’d hoped to make it upstairs undetected, but it seemed like my dad had other ideas. As if this night couldn’t get any more difficult.
“Hi, Dad.”
“Come here.”
It wasn’t a question but a request. Sighing, I made my way through the open kitchen door, blinking at the sudden brightness as I sank into the chair opposite my dad.
He eyed me over the top of his glasses, his hand wrapped around a steaming mug of what smelled like hot chocolate laced with Baileys.
“I had an interesting text from Jean earlier,” he began, and I groaned.
“Dad, no. That wasn’t what it looked like.”
“No?” He raised a brow, taking a delicate sip of his drink. “I didn’t see a picture of my son, smiling and happy with his best friend?”
“Oh. Well then, yeah. That was exactly what it looked like.” If only I could’ve turned back time to that moment and stopped everything that had happened since then.
“I also saw another interesting picture. You appeared to be kissing Elliot.”
Lowering my head to the table, I closed my eyes. It didn’t make it any easier. “Yeah. It…I was helping him out. He had a, uh, a situation.”
“Mmhmm. So I heard. Funny thing, though.” There was a pause, and I wished for a meteor to hit the house. Not enough to cause any devastating damage, just enough to get me out of this fucking conversation. “I happen to know my son rather well, and that was not the look of someone who was helping a friend out.”
“Dad, please,” I whispered.
“Ander.” His voice softened. “If you like Elliot as more than a friend, it’s okay. You don’t have to hide it. I hope you know that.”
My head flew up. “But Idohave to. I’ve ruined everything tonight, Dad. Every-fucking-thing. He didn’t even want to speak to me when he left. He asked me to give him space, and I’m so fucking scared that I’ve lost my best friend.”
In an instant, my dad had rounded the table, and his arm was around me, a warm, steadying weight. It spoke volumes that he didn’t even call me out on my use of the F-word. “Your friendship is stronger than that. Nothing is irreparable when it comes to the two of you. Give him time and space, and be ready to listen to him when he’s ready to talk. Really listen to him, Ander. Don’t just hear what you want to hear.”