Page 79 of Sidelined
I darted a look at Cole, who was also grinning. “Tom’s your surprise.”
My what?
Tom chuckled at my confusion. “I work here. Last week I mentioned to Cole that I was looking for a new singer and guitarist for my band. He told me that you were…what was it…a fucking amazing guitarist and you had an incredible voice, and that I’d be crazy to even think of picking anyone else.”
Glancing back at Cole, I noticed his cheeks were flushing, and I was helpless to stop my smile. He’d thought of me? Even though that would’ve been before we’d been on more civil terms? “Yeah. I’m alright. Can you tell me a bit about the band?”
He took the stool next to me, and we fell into a discussion about the band and the music they were into. The band was named the 2Bit Princes and they played a mix of covers and original music. Apparently, they’d previously had a lead singer, but he’d moved to Manchester, and now they were looking for a replacement. As well as Tom, the other member of the band was a guy called Curtis who was a drummer and was also going to be starting at LSU this September. Tom was the songwriter and lead guitarist, and when I mentioned that I dabbled in writing lyrics, he seemed genuinely interested in collaborating on some of the songs with me.
Honestly, it sounded too good to be true. I’d been scraping by in life, and I’d never really given serious thought to doing anything like this, because it had seemed so out of reach for me. No one had ever encouraged me to go for what I wanted before.
But Cole had seen something in me.
He’d believed in me, even when no one else had.
Rubbing at my eyes, still half asleep even after a shower, I stumbled into the kitchen. Coffee. Need. Coffee.
My sleepiness was gone in an instant as I took in the person who currently had his back to me, swearing at the coffee machine while he slammed his fist down on the counter. “Fuck’s sake! Why won’t you just work, you stupid fucking piece of shit?”
I would’ve smirked at Huxley’s frustration, but I was too busy running my gaze over the lines of his bare back, down over his tight ass, currently covered in a pair of loose cotton shorts, and down those lean, muscled legs. Sexy as fuck.
I gritted my teeth.
Thou shalt not ogle thy stepbrother.
As I drew nearer, with Huxley still unaware of my presence, occupied with wrestling with the machine, I noticed that there were two mugs set out on the counter. The same blue-and-white chipped mugs that we’d used when I’d made him the hot chocolate.
My heart fucking skipped a beat, and it made me do something that I knew was completely, one million percent ill-advised, but I didn’t stop. I came up behind Huxley, planting my hands on the counter on either side of his arms and caging him in. He jumped a little, a gasp falling from his lips as his swearing stopped, mid-tirade.
“Having trouble with the coffee machine?” I kept my voice low, and Huxley shivered against me. Fucking hell, he was so tempting. I’d never allowed myself to entertain thoughts of just how hot he was before now…okay, that was a lie, but right here, today, all my defences were gone, and my cock was in charge, apparently. “Need a hand?”
“Uh, yeah.” He cleared his throat, leaning into me just the tiniest bit, and I took the invitation for what it was, pressing against his back. As we’d established, my cock was more than interested, already hardening in my boxers, and he was going to become aware of it any second. But neither of us moved, and he cleared his throat again. “Yeah. Fucking machine.”
I laughed softly, balancing on the balls of my feet and angling my head to peer over his shoulder. His hair, still a little damp from his own shower, tickled the side of my head as we both looked at the machine. “Okay. First thing. You need to turn it on.” Flipping the switch to the On position, I heard the familiar beep followed by a whirr as it came to life.
“I should’ve realised that,” he muttered. “I’ve never…my dad bought this machine for your mum. We had one of those pod ones before.”
“It took me a while to work it out,” I reassured him, forcing myself to focus on the machine and not the way his back was so warm against my chest and the way my dick was pressing against the delicious curve of his ass. “Uh, so. Next thing. You attach the milk frother—” Good, he’d already filled it. “—and then you pick the coffee you want on this bit here.”
His finger swiped over the LED display, his head rolling to the side just enough that my lips would be brushing against his skin if I angled my own head any further. “Latte?”
“Is that what you want?” My head turned, my lips connecting with his skin in the barest touch.
He shivered again, subtly pressing back against my dick. He moved his hips in a small, circular movement, and I had to bite down on my lip to stop a groan from escaping.
His words came out low and raspy as fuck. “It’s what I was going to make for you.”
I really, really wanted to kiss him. To do way more than kiss him, if I was completely honest. To yank down those shorts and bend him over the kitchen table, pounding his tight ass with my hard fucking cock—
With the final remaining bit of blood that hadn’t gone to my dick, I managed to get my brain to formulate a reply. “Mmm. Good choice.” What the fuck were we doing here? Were we really doing this? My brain was scrambling to catch up with the way we’d apparently done a one-eighty over the past couple of days, but my dick was having no such trouble.
I let my mouth press a little harder, my touch purposeful. “Put the mug here and press for the latte.”