Page 263 of Sidelined
Our reputation precedes us, and not always in a good way. Sure, we do our fair share of charity runs where we raise big-time money for those in need, but that’s not what Jenson’s thinking about right now. He’s thinking about the hushed whispers of murder and violence that can’t be proven. And the few times it was proven, our members were put behind bars. He’s thinking about how people bend to our will when we’re in town because they fear us. Even more, he’s thinking he best not piss us off, or he’ll be on the receiving end of our wrath.
That’s right, motherfucker. The roles have reversed.
How did that scrawny, dirty little punk who used to piss himself when I walked by end up in a motorcycle club? I’ve vaguely heard of the Sons of Erebus; of course I have. They’ve been in the news over the years for both good and bad reasons.
“So, you were picked on as a kid and decided a healthy way of dealing with that was to get involved in organized crime?” I ask before I can think about what’s coming out of my mouth.
“Hey,” the red-headed guy says, but Mike gives him a look that shuts him up. I don’t blame him. That look would shut me up too.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Mike resumes his casual position against the wall.
He’s changed a lot since high school. Back then, he took emo to an extreme, which didn’t help him fit in with the elitist kids at our private Christian academy. It was clear he didn’t belong, which made him an easy target. Though that’s not why I singled him out and made him the most hated kid in school.
I’m not proud of how I handled things, but I didn’t have the emotional maturity to voice my feelings, so I did what kids do best. I bullied him. It wasn’t fair, but life isn’t fair. I learned that the hard way and damn well made sure he did too.
“This is all very interesting, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re keeping my truck overnight, and I need a ride.” I rub at my temples. A headache has been forming since I pulled into this dump, and it’s getting worse by the minute. Probably from the fumes.
“I suggest you start walking.” Mike shrugs.
“I can give him a ride,” the redhead offers, earning another searing look from Mike.
It’s obvious he wants to punish me, and I get it. If I were him, I’d make my life hell too, but I have an important meeting in an hour I have to be at. So, if I need to beg or pay my way out of this, I will. Both, if I must.
“Thank you”—I glance down at his name tag—“Tigger?”
“It’s my road name.” He points to his head. “You know, given I’m a ginger. Usually, we don’t get one until we’re patched in, but Prez hated my real name so much I got mine early.”
“What’s your real name?” I ask, despite myself.
Mike rolls his eyes and huffs. “No, you can’t drive him anywhere, asshole. You gotta man the desk.”
“My office is just downtown. It won’t take long,” I say.
Mike stands to his full height, and I wonder if he grew after high school or if he just slouched so much before that I never knew how tall he was. That’s not the only difference. He’s bigger too.
I peruse him with appreciation. It appears he’s poured into his coveralls with the way they pull and stretch over his muscular body. By no means is he clean-cut, and his messy hair and overgrown stubble only add to his appeal. Doesn’t everyone love a bad boy?
Being attracted to him isn’t a new thing. Even in high school, all the black, the crazy hair, and his lankiness didn’t stop me from wanting him. He still has soulful eyes that tell a story just by looking into them and a square, masculine jaw that, even as a teen, was covered in scruff. But it was the way he never hid who he was that did me in. Even when he was being shoved into a locker or trash can, he never apologized for being himself.
He was magnetic, and I was jealous.
“I’ll take you.” Mike grabbed a set of keys off the wall and stalked past me, throwing the door open.
“This should be fun,” I mutter.
“Mustang’s a great guy. You just seem to bring out the worst in him,” Tigger says.
“That’s his road name.”
“And how did he get his? He looks nothing like a horse.”