Page 251 of Sidelined
“Fuck, what am I even saying? You’re not beautiful. There’s nothing beautiful about you, or cute, because you stole my man, and that just ain’t cool, dude. Not at all. What were you possibly thinking? Does bro code mean nothing to you?” I hiss.
He makes a soft sound, and I pat his head.
“There, there, Pete. It’s okay. I’m here to right your wrongs.”
It takes a lot of grunting and heavy breathing, but I finally, finally get his not-fat ass onto the king-sized bed. Once I have him rolled onto his side, I give his butt a little squeeze—What?! It’s a nice ass, even if it belongs to a traitor—then grope his sides, patting around for his phone.
I sing my favorite Heart song under my breath as I take Petey Boy’s hand, and push his thumb over the sensor to unlock his phone. “Thanks, babe,” I say, dropping his hand. He doesn’t make a peep.
Shifting onto my back, I turn on his phone camera and lean against the headboard, sliding down until both our heads are in the frame.
“Say Cheese!” I grin wide, squishing my cheek up against Pete’s chilly nose and take the picture. Sitting up, I find Vale’s contact, and send that baby on over. I then quickly add my number and send his contact info to myself.
I toss the phone on the floor and wait.
Music still plays loudly from the first floor; an occasional cheer rising up the stairs. I’m not sure whose room this is, but it looks hardly lived in, telling me it’s a guest room. From the floor, the phone starts ringing. I ignore it.
Tonight has worked out superbly, if I must say myself.
Not long after the royally doomed couple finally decided to grace the halls of this manor, an opportunity presented itself that was just so perfect, I couldn’t help but see it for what it was:
Because it was there, just beyond the kitchen, that I spotted a cute little fellow with a goatee that even Captain Hook would be absolutely envious of…and well, he was in the sneaky process of popping a little pill in a girl’s drink when she was turned away.
Kismet, right?
While Hookie Boy wasn’t all too happy to have gotten caught, he was quick to change his attitude when I made him a deal.
(This is probably the part in the story where you’re wondering if I’m redeemable, right? Well, spoiler alert, I’m not.)
Fast-forward one too many drinks on little Petey’s part, one of which having been doctored by yours truly, and another seemingly never-ending half-hour of waiting and watching and more waiting…
The door bursts open.
I snap my head up just in time to see Vale coming at me. And boy is he angry.
“Hey, Pumpkin!” I chirp brightly as he grabs me by the shoulders in those massive footballer hands of his. I don’t think he even realizes how tightly he’s holding me. Definitely tight enough to leave bruises this time. My chest turns all goopy at the thought.
His hard, black gaze shifts past me to where his sweet little Prince lies passed out in the fetal position. His jaw ticks, and I cock my head with a frown.
He doesn’t look… worried, like one would expect after finding out their soon-to-be ex-boyfriend was drugged.
He looks rather annoyed. Inconvenienced, even.
“Did you touch him?”
“I touched his butt.”
He glares at me.
I shrug. “I was looking for his phone.”