Page 2 of Sidelined
“That’s awful.” I grab a can of soda and pop the top to take a big drink. “Who the hell brought bourbon?”
Taylor’s warm brown eyes sparkle with amusement. “Who do you think?”
I sigh. Damn it, Roman.
Taylor joins the group of jocks, and I head to our table in the back, pulling my jacket off and hanging it on the back of a chair. It’s too hot in this damn gym, and the alcohol isn’t helping.
Making my way to the bathroom, I look around and relax when there’s no one else in here. Since Roman likes to corner me in bathrooms, it makes me nervous walking into one alone. I never know what his crazy ass is going to do.
I step in front of a sink and turn on the cold water, cupping it in my hand and carefully splashing it on my face to avoid making a huge mess of my shirt. While my eyes are covered, the bathroom door opens, and I tense.
“Oh, Bible Boy,” Roman’s exaggerated sigh echoes off the tiles, and I quickly drop my hands so I can track his movements. “You make it so easy.” The click of the lock on the door has a rock dropping into my stomach. Fuck.
“No.” The word is harsh as it leaves my mouth, taking even me by surprise. Roman lifts an eyebrow and stalks toward me, pinning me against the counter. My heart races, and my breath flutters in my chest at the close contact. I should be used to him. How am I still this affected by his presence?
“No? That’s cute. When has that ever stopped me before?” His growl in my ear has shivers shooting down my spine. Roman grabs my hands and presses them to the mirror. “Watch.”
“We are not doing anything in here. Anyone can walk in at any time.” My voice is weak as he takes control of my body. I don’t know how he does it, turning me into putty in his hands with a simple touch or look or word. It’s not fair how much control he has over me.
“The door is locked,” he says flippantly, like it doesn’t matter.
His hands dig into my hips through my pants, his eyes locked on mine in the mirror as he leans in and nuzzles the sensitive spot behind my ear.
“Because that’s not suspicious. You can’t fuck me without leaving marks. How am I going to explain that?” My arguments are quickly getting harder to remember. His hands on me make me stupid.
“That sounds like future Jonah’s problem, not mine.”
“Not in here, please.” My eyes flutter closed when his teeth scrape along my neck.
“You’re too clean. I’m going to dirty you up,” he teases, grinding his dick against my ass.
With herculean strength, I push off the mirror and force Roman to take a step back. When I have a fraction of space, I turn to face him, squaring my shoulders and meeting his gaze. He’ll listen if I really put my foot down since I don’t do it often, and I choose my battles very carefully.
“Not. In. Here.”
Roman grips my throat and pulls me against him with a smirk that promises retribution. He drops his lips to almost touch mine, but holds back. I want his lips on mine, but I don’t try to close the gap. It won’t work. His reflexes are faster than mine.
“You’re going to be filled with my cum before we leave this dance.” He flicks the tip of his tongue over the center of my upper lip, his breath fanning across my mouth. I’m painfully hard, and my skin is hot with arousal, knowing he’s going to take what he wants from me. My stomach tightens with tension. What the hell is he going to do? “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” I whisper. He takes my mouth in a harsh, hungry kiss for only a second before he adjusts his dick and leaves the bathroom without a backward glance. My face heats when he pulls the door open, and Taylor is standing in the hallway with a knowing smirk on his face.
I tuck my hard-on into the waistband of my pants and leave the bathroom, ignoring Taylor’s smile. Needing time away from Roman to calm my body, I make my way to the outside area the chaperones have set up for us to cool off. It’s warmer than I expected it to be. If I was still in Washington, it would probably rain, but it’s comfortable out here without a jacket.
Leaning back against the cool stucco of the building, I close my eyes and inhale deeply. It feels so good out here. My skin chills as the sweat dries. It’s peaceful out here.
A hand slams over my mouth as I’m spun around to face the wall. My heart pounds in my chest with the fear of being assaulted slithering up my spine. A hard chest is pressed against my back, a forearm pushing against the back of my neck as the familiar scent of Roman’s cologne hits my nose.
“There you are.” Roman’s irritated growl in my ear makes my body sag in relief.
“It was too hot in there, and being around you wasn’t helping.” I push back and turn to face him.
“You disappeared, and I couldn’t find you.” He crowds me again until I stand upright. He looks around quickly, then grabs my arm and pulls me past the roped-off area and around the side of the building.
“Stop,” I whisper sharply at him, pulling my arm from his grip. “I’m fine. I’m sorry I scared you, but I’m fine. I just needed a minute.”
Roman pushes me against the building, into the shadows, then crashes his mouth to mine. He grabs the back of my neck, crushing my body against him. A needy whimper barely escapes my throat at his onslaught. This beautiful, broken boy needs me. My hands tangle in his hair, keeping his mouth on mine. His free hand slides down my stomach and unbuttons my pants, shoving his hand inside to stroke me. I can’t hold back the groan that rumbles in my chest at the contact.
“Be quiet before someone hears you,” Roman growls in my ear, his teeth nipping at the skin he can reach, never breaking the rhythm of his stroke on my cock.