Page 5 of The Boss's Possession
“I can call the cops.”
He chuckled. “And you think they’d respond to your call?”
She sighed. “My grandmother said you were a hothead.”
“I’m pretty sure your grandmother called me lots of names. She was a sweet woman, and she knew who she was dealing with, which is why she came to me.”
“I don’t need taking care of.”
“You’re wrong about that, because you’re doing a shit job of it.”
She growled again.
There was such fire inside her. Willow had experienced pain and loss, but she was a fighter. He saw that and admired it. He knew what it meant to have to fight for everything.
“What can I say or do to make this … stop?” she asked.
“Absolutely nothing.” He tutted and concentrated his full attention on her. Willow’s arms were folded beneath her breasts. He was pleased to see they hadn’t disappeared with her weight loss. That would have been a true sin. “Do you think I don’t know you’ve been waiting for me?”
Willow looked at him.
He smiled. “You’re surprised.”
“I haven’t been waiting for you.”
“Don’t be a liar, Willow. It doesn’t suit you.”
She pressed her lips together.
“Say nothing, that’s easier,” he said.
“What do you want?” she asked. “Money? The shop? What?”
He reached out and wrapped a curl of her hair around his finger. “There was a time I wanted your grandmother’s shop. It’s in a prime location and what I had planned would make it profitable. However, since meeting you, I decided there was something else I wanted more.”
“You, sweet Willow. It’s you I want.”
He saw her take a deep breath. “Ah, I see I have surprised you.”
“Why would you want me?” Willow asked. “I’m not anything special. I’m not … anything.” She frowned.
“But you’re who I want, and this is going to happen. You and me.” He released her curl and then took her hand within his. She had soft hands. Small hands.
They arrived at his apartment block and Peter drove toward the underground parking. Carson didn’t wait for his door to be opened for him. The moment the car came to a stop, he opened the door and held his hand out to Willow. She hesitated for a second, and he was sure to lock their fingers together as they walked into the building. He went straight to the elevator as he wasn’t interested in prolonging their time in public spaces. He wanted her in the privacy of his penthouse suite.
She tried to pull out of his grip, but her strength was no match for him. He watched her in the reflection of the elevator door. She kept trying to look everywhere and anywhere but at him.
The elevator didn’t take long, and they stepped onto his floor. He pulled out his key, and within minutes he finally had her in his penthouse. Over the past six months he had made a few modifications. He turned the spare bedroom into her personal sewing room. He couldn’t create a woman’s touch, as that was down to her, but there was now a closet for her in his bedroom, which they would share.
Willow pulled away from him, and this time he let her go.
She put her hands at her sides and took a deep breath. “Fine. I’m here. What now?”
“Now, we eat.”
He had surprised her, and he couldn’t help but smile at that. “We eat?”