Page 11 of The Boss's Possession
Willow had tried to fall asleep before that happened, but she couldn’t. Carson had known she was wide awake as well. She had watched him while at the same time trying to hide her face. He’d left fully dressed and come back to the room, wet, with a towel wrapped around his body. A heavily inked body. The towel had covered his ass, but she’d seen the ink that decorated his back. Images and words melded together, which were hard to focus on while attempting not to look at him.
He’d dried his body, pulled on a pair of boxer briefs, and then climbed into bed. Willow had gasped when he reached across the bed, wrapped his arms around her body, and then pulled her close. At first, she had struggled to fall asleep.
The past six months she had fallen asleep in tears.
After being tense in his arms for most of the night, she hadn’t expected to sleep. Willow didn’t know what happened, but one moment she had struggled to fall asleep, and the next, she had woken up, feeling relaxed and completely at peace.
Carson held her throughout the night.
In the morning, Carson had woken, kissed her lips, and then prepared breakfast. He dropped her off at the shop by eight, and now she stood, shop open, with a few customers milling around.
There was a list of customer orders waiting to be finished. She noticed a few of Carson’s men out in the street. They didn’t interfere with her customers and she was thankful no one avoided entering just because they were there.
Whenever people came to the desk, she served them and then got back to filling orders. Her grandmother had insisted on expanding their business to the internet, which had been genius, as they had regular customers online as well.
She loved fondling fabric and serving people, helping them find the correct items for their projects. They also had a project wall within the shop for customers who’d used the fabric they supplied to create their own designs.
It was at moments like this when she missed her grandmother. The shop was slow that day, and cutting orders was fun, but it was nice to always have someone to chat with.
Around lunchtime, she felt the air in the shop change and when she looked up, she saw Carson had stepped inside. A couple of women stopped and watched him. She saw the interest in their eyes as they followed him. Willow was surprised by the spark of jealousy that hit her square in the chest and had no right to rear its ugly head.
“Afternoon, beautiful,” he said, pressing a kiss to her lips.
She accepted the kiss, wanting the women to back off. “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Is that any way to greet your future husband?”
She still couldn’t quite believe he was being serious. This was Carson, after all, and she doubted he ever joked about anything.
“Future husband?”
“Yes. This is where we’re going.” He took hold of her hand. “How’s business?”
“Slow, but I’ve got some online orders.”
“What have you had for lunch?” he asked.
She tilted her head to the side. “You’ve come to see me about lunch?”
“Yes.” He reached out and tucked some hair behind her ear. “Have you eaten?”
“Not yet.”
He tutted. “Completely unacceptable.”
“I can’t leave the shop.”
“Don’t you worry.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ll be back.”
Willow didn’t even know what to say or do. He had never come into her shop to just kiss her and then leave to get lunch.
She touched her lips, and was sure she still felt him. Pulling her hand away, she focused on the shop. One of the women smiled at her.
“That man is fine,” she said.
Willow chuckled. “Thank you.”
“If a guy like that told me he was going to be my future husband, I’d ask for the ring and a trip to Vegas. He could be mine within the hour.”