Page 60 of Her Ruthless Owner
"B-But they're not wearing headsets!"
"They are, mia moglie. It is just not as obvious as ours since they are using in-ear headsets—-"
"Oh God."
She tried to cover her face with her hands, but he wouldn't let her, and instead cupped her chin so that he could whisper against her lips—-
"I just had the nicest idea, tesoro. Since our honeymoon has officially begun the moment we left, and you promised to shed your every inhibition during this time—-I want to make you cum. Right here, right now."
"I can touch you under your skirt, and no one will see anything."
"D-Don't you dare—-"
"But of course, what they're able to hear is a different story..."
AS PENELOPE INEVITABLYjoinedanothermile-high club with the studious help of hermafia boss,most of the guests they had left behind were practically crying tears of joy now that they were finally free to update their social media feeds.
The no-cellphone-rule had been strictly enforced throughout the evening, but now that the newlyweds had already left for their honeymoon, many were busy competing with each other as to which of them could be thefirstto upload (and thus gain the most likes) a photo of the groom's spectacular wedding gift for his bride: a declaration of ownership permanently tattooed right above his heart.
And as for the few guests whose attention was not firmly on their phones—-
"I still can't believe Penelope promised to get herself a matching tattoo," Sarica exclaimed. "She's crazy scared of needles or just getting pierced in any way—-"
"I wouldn't go as far as saying that," Giancarlo interjected mildly.
Sarica's gaze narrowed. "Is that your way of saying you know something I don't?"
"No,dolcezza.I only mean to remind you that there are more ways than one for a woman to be pierced by her lover."
Ezio and Gazelle did their best to hold back their smiles upon seeing Sarica blush at the innuendo in their eldest brother's words.
Massimo, in the meantime, was ready to call it a night when their grandmother asked to speak with him in private.
"Why do I have a feeling this isn't going to be good?" Massimo teased as he walked her to one of the private balconies circling the ballroom.
"Because you take after me."
A crooked smile touched Massimo's lips as he stepped back from his grandmother. "Since it is not your style to waste time on flattering any of your grandsons—-what you're about tocommandme to do must be something incredibly important."
Since Potenziana saw no point beating around the bush, she simply met her grandson's gaze and said her piece.
"I have found a bride for you."
A muscle started ticking in Massimo's jaw. He had known this day would come sooner or later, but wasn't this a little too soon?
"Her parents and I expect both of you to be married in a fortnight."
"Am I allowed to know who she is before our wedding?"