Page 53 of Her Ruthless Owner
The glass stem in her brother's hand snapped into pieces, and a gasp escaped her when she saw him start to bleed.
Nearby servers were in a panic, but Cesare didn't pay them any heed as he used a table napkin to apply pressure to the large gash in his palm.
"Is there anything we can do to—-"
"Apologies for the disturbance." The dismissive note in Cesare's voice wasn't lost on the staff, and they were quick to walk away without another word. If Cesare Marchetti did not want them to fuss over him, then they were no idiots to insist on doing otherwise.
Gazelle hadn't known what to believe when their grandmother told her over the phone that Cesare was not his usual self. Cesare had always been the most ruthless among her brothers, and she had grown up somewhat thinking of him as their family's most invincible pillar of strength that no one and nothing could ever topple.
Until now.
"You love her," she whispered.
"Shut up, Gazelle."
He had never spoken to her like that before, and instead of feeling hurt, she just wanted to cry because she was all the more convinced that what she had said was true.
"Please make me understand. Why do you have to push her away—-"
"Because she makes me feelneedy—-"
"Oh, Ces." She had to work harder not to cry, since all those words really meant was that her brotherdidlove that girl, and he probably loved her even more than Gazelle could ever comprehend.
"I're thinking that you love her, the way your mother loved our father—-"
"And it's true," Cesare bit out. "We both fucking know it's true—-"
"Itistrue, and I'm not going to convince you it's not. But Ces...can't you also see?Penelopeisn't like our father. She won't leave you, she won't hurt you, and I know—-"
Her voice broke as she remembered the sound of Penelope throwing up behind them.
"By the way she's hurting, you know she never stopped loving you, so please—-please, Cesare——"
Please go after her before it's too late.
But Gazelle was unable to say those words...since her brother had already left.
I keep waiting for Greg to realize he's being followed.
But he never does.
I keep waiting for him to start shooting at us.
But he doesn't do this either.
And so I end up following him all the way to a motel, and I ask my cab driver to park a short distance away while I wait and watch.
Is this a trap?
Greg's making it so easy for me to stalk him. The motel has open corridors that lets me see exactly which floor he gets up to, and even which room he enters.
This has to be a trap.
My cab driver looks at me like I've lost my mind when I give him a thousand dollars...but when I tell him I'll hand over another grand as long as he waits for me to come out, the older man even insists I save his number in my phone, just in case I need any kind of help.