Page 40 of Her Ruthless Owner
"You can tell me anything."
Well, in that case...
"Why did he call ice cream?"
"He said you were'gelato'—-"
Everyone in the room starts coughing, and the sound is all too annoyingly familiar.
I make a face at them and throw my hands up in surrender. "It's not my fault I don't speak Italian or mafia—-"
Everyone winces at this, but this doesn't really make me feel any better, and I can't help eyeing Cesare's family rather warily. "How much do you guys know about what went down today?"
Sarica looks down on her phone while Giancarlo carefully avoids my gaze, and Massimo checks his watch as if he suddenly has somewhere to go. OnlyLa Stregalooks at me in the eye...before saying rather baldly, "You're a good girl,bambina...but why on earth did you even think my grandson would ask you to look for some duck in the middle of a shootout?"
This time, none of his family even bothers to cough. Sarica is already doubled over in laughter while Massimo snickers and even Mr.-So-Called-Perfecthimself is not so perfect with his barely suppressed smile.
Cesare, however, only cups my face. "Ignore them,tesoro.You are adorable as you are—-"
"Are you really sure you don't mean silly?"
I try jumping off his lap, but this only has him chuckling as he tightens his arms around mine.
"Do not ever change,mm?"
"It seems you will make a doting husband,"La Stregaremarks with a strangely crafty gleam in her witchy dark eyes.
Am I imagining things...or has Cesare's voice become a littletoosilky?
"I intend to dote on Penelope for the rest of our lives, but not as her husband."
His grandmother stiffens. "Chiedo scusa?"
The anger in her gaze is unmistakable, and I remember all too late that it'sLa Stregaand not just a normal grandmother I'm talking to.
"It's r-really not as bad as you think it is," I point out in a hurry. "Cesare and I will still marry, but we also have a misunderstanding—-I mean, an understanding—-"
Shit,I feel like I'm digging a deeper hole for myself here.
"What is it, really?" the older woman asks impatiently.
"There is no need to raise your voice at her," Cesare says between clenched teeth.
"Then you be the one to explain," his grandmother snaps back at him. "What is all this nonsense—-"
Not wanting the two of them to get into a full-blown quarrel, I take a deep breath and say in a rush, "We're each other's owners!"
"T-That's how we agreed to consider each other once we marry. A-As owners..."