Page 24 of Her Ruthless Owner
If only.
But the kiss eventually comes to an end, and all I can do is swallow back my cry of protest as Cesare pulls away.
"Tomorrow," he rasps out. "Tomorrow, I will make you mine. And you want that, too, don't you,tesoro?"
All I can do is nod.
"I am a very possessive man," he warns. "So make no mistake about this: I will kill anyone who's stupid enough to get in the way of that."
It's my first time to hear him speak with such ominous softness, and my first time to truly taste terror in his presence.
"I own you, Penelope."
The look in his eyes is unmistakable, and it's that look which finally gives me the tiniest inkling as to why everyone speaks of Cesare Marchetti like he's the devil incarnate.
"Every fucking inch of you ismine...just as all of me isyours."
There's still the tiniest part of me that thinks I'm insane to entrust myself to my kidnapper's grandson, but...
The rest of me also knows there's no going back.
One kiss from him, and my world has completely changed. I can't be apart from him, and when I try to imagine how it would feel, if it's some other woman he'll marry and claim him as hers—-
As soon as I whisper 'yes', he sweeps me back up in his arms, and I find myself stupidly struggling not to cry as he tucks me in bed like I really am his most precious treasure.
Cesare straightens up, and my fingers curl back into a fist under the covers. The thought of him leaving suddenly has me anxious, and it's all I can do not to beg him to stay.
"Do you need anything else before I go?"
You,I almost blurt out.
But because that's just too disgustingly pathetic—-
"Where are you going to sleep?"
A moment passes, and just as my anxiety threatens to erupt into full-blown panic—-
"My room is right across yours,tesoro."
"Good to know," I mutter just before faking a yawn and flipping to my side.
"Anything else?"
I fake another yawn. "Nope, nothing. G'night."
His lips touch my forehead just as I close my eyes, and I'm once again fighting back tears as I hear my bedroom door close behind him.
I'm no longer alone.
After everything I've lost, and everything I've gone through—-this is more than enough. I'll work hard to be the best wife to Cesare Marchetti, and I swear to myself that I won't ever be so greedy as to wish for him to love me...the way I've already begun to fall in love with him.
He stood outside the room, silent and motionless, and over half an hour had gone by before he finally heard her breathing settle down.
Penelope was finally asleep, and it was only at this moment Cesare finally allowed himself to turn away.