Page 32 of Oath of Redemption
The bullet went straight through her chest. A clean shot.Lucky, the doctor had said.
It didn’t look clean.
It didn’t feel lucky.
Beverly had needed blood transfusions and stitches, and three shocks to come back,but she was alive.I’m told she’ll befine.Such a simple word to sum up her state of being.
There’s a light rapping on the door and I lift my head, watching as the doctor comes into the room. Gregory has been part of the famiglia for as long as I can remember. He’s old and grey but he’s experienced. I wouldn’t have trusted Beverly with anyone else. He smiles at me, eyes wandering over Beverly’s form. “You should rest. She’ll wake up soon and you’ll want to stay awake to speak to her.”
I nod. “I should.” My eyes flick briefly back to Beverly. “But I can’t.”
His fingers tap on the packet in his hand. “Well, you should try.” He smiles when my gaze clashes with his again. I don’t try to smile back.
“This is for you.” He says, stepping forward to hand me the file. My brow raises as I wordlessly take it. With a slight nod and a lingering look at Beverly, he turns to head out the door. He pauses with a hand resting on the doorframe. “Oh, and congratulations.”
I wait until the door is shut before I slowly untwine my fingers from Beverly’s, my fingers deftly opening the folder to spill the contents into my lap. My heart thumps when I realize what I’m looking at, when my sleepy eyes are able to focus on the page and the lines stop waving across the paper.
My hand grips Beverly’s once more, bringing her fingers to my lips.
Mi hai fatto il più prezioso dei doni. You have given me the most precious of gifts.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
It’s the first sound that filters in. My body feels heavy, my brain foggy as I try to piece together what is happening. I vaguely remember seeing Gavino’s retreating back before I blacked out, flashes of light and sounds randomly filtered into the darkness. My head is pounding against my temples. Rubbing shaky hands over my face, I look around the room, my breath catching when the door opens, Remy walking inside.
I know the moment it sinks in that I’m awake, because the door slams at his back, his feet rushing forward as he drops beside me. Warm palms lightly scrape across my flesh, fingers sinking into my hair as he presses a kiss to my forehead. My eyes flutter closed, but only briefly, watering as he gazes down on me. His thumbs stroke my cheeks, breath warm as it fans over my skin, his eyes touch silently reassuring himself I’m here. That I’m awake.
“You found me.” My words scratch past my dry throat, my tongue thick when I swallow.
“Sempre e per sempre.”Forever and always.His words rumble from his chest, the sound of his voice a soothing balm for my tired, bruised body.
For a moment I just breathe him in, letting his warmth, his closeness settle over me. Until I remember—
“The baby!” I jerk, my hands flying to my stomach as a hiss of pain slips through my lips at the twinge in my chest.
“Easy, easy, Bev. The babies are fine.” His palm is warm where it presses against mine, holding onto it and my belly.
Relief washes over me, allowing me to lean back until realization hits me.He knows I’m pregnant. I open my mouth, but I don’t know what to say.
“It’s fine, Bev. I know.” He must sense the feelings roiling under my skin, know that I’m lost for words because he moves closer, pressing his lips against our joined hands over my belly, his honey eyes finding mine. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect the three of you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was scared. You’re married. I was recently arranged to be married to Gavino. I didn’t want our child to be considered a bastard.” My heart thunders, my fingers sinking into his hair, running along his jaw.
“Children.” Remy corrects me, his lips brushing along my knuckles where he rests. “I don’t judge your choice, Beverly. I understand it. I just wish you’d trusted me to know. I would have figured out a way to get you out of that house sooner.”
My mind is reeling from the first part of his sentence, not able to process the rest of it. “What do you mean, children?”
He blinks, his face lifting, the mattress dipping under his elbow. “We’re having twins, Beverly.”
“What?” The question is just above a whisper, my eyes flicking to the bump of my belly beneath the blankets.
“You didn’t know?” I shake my head at his question, my other hand falling to my stomach. “They’re both girls.”
“I’m having girls?” Tears prick at the corner of my eyes, watery when they land on Remy.