Page 7 of Blood Feud
I watched as crimson flared in Eoin’s eyes, his monster coming to life. “Ye wouldn’t dare,” he growled.
My finger was still pressed to the trigger.
“Wouldn’t I?” I whispered the words, so close that my mouth brushed his. I could feel the sharp pinpricks of his fangs against my lips. “I would rather die than stay locked in here forever. And if I die, you’re coming with me.”
I pulled the trigger, my hand jerking with the force.
The gunshot was painfully loud in my ears, almost deafening at such close range in the concrete room. My ears rang with the blast. My face burned from the expelled bullet and gasses.
But I wasn’t dead, nor was I seriously harmed.
Without realizing it, I had squeezed my eyes tightly shut when I shot the gun. I opened them now, taking in the room. It took me gazing around the room to realize that my hearing was still fucked up, because there were multiple bodies in the room, numerous guards standing around me with guns pointed in my direction. Their mouths were moving and they were clearly talking, but I couldn’t make sense of the garbled words over the ringing in my ears.
Eoin was still standing before me.
One hundred percent not dead.
The Ruger LC9 I’d pulled from the body was now cupped, barrel up, in Eoin’s hand. I realized, suddenly, that the jerk I’d felt when the gun had gone off had not been kickback but Eoin yanking on the gun faster than the bullet could be ejected from the barrel.
I stared at the vampire with growing dread.
He was truly—horrifically—fast. How was I ever going to escape when he was so powerful?
Stunned resignation settled within me as I gazed at the nightmarish picture that Eoin made. He was covered in blood—both his own and his men’s. His white shirt was drenched and stained burgundy, clinging dangerously to his sculpted chest and stomach. His eyes, which were locked on me, were a startling shade of deep crimson. Darker than I had ever seen them—almost black. And I swore that the veins around his eyes were pulsating, growing more pronounced as his fangs lengthened.
A deep, primal fear grew within me as Eoin sent his men away. I had been playing a dangerous game with a dangerous predator. He had been toying with me, a cat with an amusing mouse, but how long until his amusement ran out? How long before he grew bored of me?
My hearing had mostly fixed itself because I heard the gun clatter to the ground as Eoin shattered it in his injured hand. Pieces of black metal rained to the floor.
Then, he held his hand up and I watched in shock as the bullet worked its way out of his hand. A bullet that would’ve destroyed a human hand at that range hadn’t even escaped vampire flesh on one side. Before my eyes, the large hole the bullet had made began to stitch itself up, skin linking to skin in a grotesque expedited healing sequence.
I glanced at the door once more, desperately wondering if I should make one more break for it, before Eoin slammed the door shut, with both of us inside the room.
Chapter Six
Ottavia’s chest lifted and fell in rapid breaths as she watched me slam the door shut at my back. Her limbs shook with fatigue, a hint of defeat meshing with the anger that clouded around her. Although I thought she may be done trying to escape tonight, I knew she’d try again. She was a La Rosa through and through.A thought that equally disgusted and delighted me.Her back straightened as I took a step forward; her chin rose higher and pouty lips tipped down with her sneer.
“Settle in na, love, ’cause ye’ll be here fer as long as I want ye to be.” My beast was still heavy on the forefront of my mind, each step I took nearer to her it demanded to take what we claimed as ours—demanded her obedience.
And right now, we were both in agreement on that front.
Especially after her stunt with the gun.
“I won’t make this easy for you,” she threatened, a chill racking her spine when all I did was give her a lopsided, toothy grin in response.
Good, I thought, my eyes tracking her as she stumbled a step backward. Her knees bumped up against the edge of her bed and her eyes went wide for a mere moment before she plastered a fake look of indifference over her features. She could pretend all she wanted, but I could smell her fear, I could practicallytaste itas I stalked forward.
I caught her forearm as she tried to lash out at me, my stride breaking for a second at the sharp kick she placed on my shin. Teeth bared, a hiss rose from my chest, spit dripping from my fangs as my beast drooled over the mere thought of biting into her soft, delicate flesh.
She continued to thrash against me and I let go of my hold on my pheromones. A possessive growl rumbled from my chest at the sharp, sweet scent of her arousal, her honey gaze growing dark as her pupils dilated. She growled back, feral and untamed, as she fought her own body. Grabbing a handful of her dark hair, I yanked her head to the side, my tongue swiping out to lick the dried blood from her skin. I started at her jaw, scraping higher over her cheekbone. Tongue pressed hard against her temple, I re-broke the skin of her gash, a hum of appreciation slipping past my teeth at the bright burst of her blood on my tongue.
An angered whine rose from below me and my lips made their way to Ottavia’s ear, nicking at her lobe with my fang and lapping up the single droplet of blood that grew. “Ye may jus’ be La Rosa swine, bu’ ye taste like feckin’ heaven.”
“How would you even know, you’re devil spawn,” she spat through her teeth, a moan slipping unwarranted from her lungs when I rutted against her, pressing the head of my clothed dick against her belly.