Page 5 of Blood Feud
“Playin’ a bit o’ hide-an’-seek, are we, love?” I murmured into the silence of the room, moving toward the open bathroom. A tooth caught on my lower lip as the corner of my mouth ticked into a smirk, the heavy sound of Ottavia’s palm-covered breaths perking up my ears. “Ye should know, I’ve always loved tha’ game.”
Thump. Thump. Thump.Thump.Her pulse raced just behind the door, beating faster and faster with every second that passed in silence. I paused just on the other side of the door, my palm quietly resting against the cool surface.
“Found ye, love.”
At the low words, Ottavia slammed up against the door, attempting to fling it open and hit me. But my palm easily stopped it and pushed it back, smashing her backward into the wall as I used her moment of off-balance to shift all the way into the bathroom. Her fist punched into my chest the second I was fully in front of her, a toothbrush clutched between her fingers in an iron grasp as she attempted to stab me with it. Grabbing onto her wrist, I slammed her hand against the wall, effectively knocking the pink-and-white brush to the ground with a chuckle.
“Come na, love, dinay yer ’ather teach ye how to behav’ as a guest in another’s home?”
She thrashed below me, her bare feet kicking at my shins. Her fighting was useless, we both knew that, but her pride refused to let her stop trying to get free. Through clenched teeth, she spat out angrily, “Fuck you! I’ll die trying to get out of here if that’s what it takes.”
My free hand grabbed her other wrist, pinning both her arms above her head as I pushed up into her, pressing her body against the wall and effectively cutting off her ability to kick and hit me any more. My mouth watered as her scent wafted up from her heated skin, my teeth aching to bite her after waiting forsolong. My cock was hard already, pressed painfully against the fabric of my trousers, and I rutted against her, causing an angry snarl to leak from between her gritted teeth. She fought against my hold, her large tits shaking against my chest. I kept a tight leash on my pheromones, not wanting them to intrude just yet.
I liked a little fight first.
“Are ye always so dramatic? Ye won’t be dyin’, love.” Ottavia scoffed at the question, arms yanking under my grip but failing to break my hold. “Na anytime soon, tha’ is.”
Her face jerked up to look into mine, although her honey eyes were carefully dropped to my nose. “You think you’ll get away with this? My father will—”
“Who did t’is?” My low voice cut her off, one of my hands fell to thumb along the dark gash that rose at her temple. Dried blood caked in her hair and along the side of her face, her eye bloodshot and the eyelid swelling. Even her human form could sense the white-hot anger that roiled from my skin, the hair rising in gooseflesh on her arms as she blinked up at me, the abrupt change causing her to pause.
“Wha—what?” Despite the stammer, she held her head straight, refusing to acknowledge the fear that was clogged in her chest.
“Who dared ta touch ye like t’is?” My eyes found hers, her confusion as to why I would care about such a thing plain to see by the slight dip of her brow and softening of her lips. “Tell me na, Ottavia.”
Falling under my compulsion, she answered, “I don’t know. One of the goons who brought me here.”
Her lips thinned immediately after answering, anger bubbling under her skin at being compelled. Her hands were dropped as I stalked from the bathroom, leaving her confused at my back.
“Why? Why do you care what they did to me? I’m your prisoner, aren’t I?”
I ignored her, jerking the door open so hard it nearly flew from its hinges. The guards on post outside of the room dropped to their knees instantly, hands trembling at their sides. “Bring me tha men who ’rought Ottavia ’ere.
They scrambled up from their kneeled positions, practically sprinting down the hall to do as I commanded. My eyes snapped back onto the fiery woman who now stood in the room behind me, her arms crossed under her voluptuous tits, her dark lips pursed. My gaze flicked over her dress, torn and re-tied at her nape, over the red-and-blue bruise that bloomed along her neck and marred random sections of her arms and legs. My teeth ground together at the sight, annoyed that I had been too preoccupied with my little games to notice them before.
The sound of their boots clomping down the hall drew my attention, my gaze narrowed on each one as they came filing into the room. Seven men piled inside, lining up before me as the two guards I’d summoned to get them shut the door on their exit. Fear with a hint of annoyance tainted the air around us. I moved to stand nearer to Ottavia, my eyes on the men when I asked again, “Who?”
Her dark honey gaze flickered between them, her upper lip curling as she examined each one. The longer she took to answer, the angrier I became, looking upon the marks on her skin. Eventually her arm had raised, a slender finger pointing at one of the guards. “Him.” Her eyes shifted to mine before quickly looking away, a slight scrunch to her brow. “He punched me.”
I was before him in a flash, my hand grabbing him up by his throat to hold him face level, the tips of his toes barely scratched the marbled floor. A hiss snarled from my throat, my teeth bared, and spit dripped from my fangs, splattering along his cheeks. His eyes grew crimson, his monster drawn forward with the threat before him despite the rank scent of his piss soiled through his pants. “Ye dare put yer ’ands on wha’ is mine?”
His cheeks grew red and his face shook as he struggled to breathe past my iron grip on his jugular. “No—”
My fingers tightened their hold, a growl ripping from my chest. “Ye call ’er a liar, do ye?”
Stringy bits of mousy brown hair plastered to his forehead, droplets of sweat beaded down the sides of his temples as his body shook with the effort it took for him to reply. “No, no I—I didn’t mean that.” His Adam's apple bobbed below my palm. “She fought us, sir. She killed Steven. If we hadn’t retaliated, she would have gotten away.” His eyes narrowed the slightest with his words, a hint of wrathful irritation tainting the air around him. Solid scarlet irises flicked to Ottavia where she stood behind me, his fury directed at her.
A squealish scream erupted from his gaping mouth for only a moment as I tore his heart from his chest with my free hand, squishing it apart in my fist until it exploded. The men around us shifted uncomfortably in place as I dropped his body to the ground and my gaze moved between them, my beast lingering along the surface of my skin,demandingtheir blood.
“No one touches wha’ is mine.” My chest rose and fell in angry breaths, the sound of Ottavia’s heart a thrashing pitter-patter in the background.
In the blink of an eye, I moved forward to the next guard, his surprised yelp silenced at the twist of my wrists, his body dropped next to his head, a clump of his hair still stuck to my fingers when I moved to another man. My teeth sunk into his jugular, blood running down the front of our bodies as I bit his head nearly off his shoulders, shoving him backward to bleed out onto the floor as I shifted again. The four guards that remained had abandoned their posts, frantically trying to find a place to hide, with no success.
One of them yanked on the door handle, his panic washing off him in putrid waves as he struggled to get out. Scarlet eyes went wide as I reached for him, my fingers cutting through fabric, flesh, and tendon to rip his spinal cord from his back as the door swung open. Another scrambled over the other dead bodies, falling in the pool of blood as he tried and failed to outrun me toward the door. My fist landed on the back of his head, punching his skull in as he tumbled onto the blood-drenched tile.
Grabbing a hold of the man to my right, I snapped his neck, ripping his head from his shoulders to throw and knock the last man onto the ground, his fingers grasping onto the doorknob. He cried out at the contact, falling sideways, his hands raised to cradle his broken ribs. My shoes squeaked along the marbled tile, the blood nearly invisible against the black as I made my way to the last guard. He trembled before me, hands raised in a pleading gesture, tears trailing down his cheeks as he sobbed. Without a second’s pause, my fingers stuck into his eyes, the orbs popping and bleeding as I ripped his screaming form up off the floor.
A moment later, there was nothing but the heavy sound of Ottavia’s labored breaths and the erratic beat of her heart as his severed body dropped to lay dismantled with the others.