Page 73 of His Property
He turns and storms from the enclosure, and the three of us watch him go. When the door slams, I’m able to take a breath. My shoulders stay rigid, but the suicidal ideation subsides.
I have so much repairing to do.
Blade comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. “Talk to Emily… Please.”
I don’t respond, and he turns and walks toward the exit. When he’s gone, it’s Lorenzo’s turn to step up to me.
His face remains impassive. “Well that was dramatic.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” I say, shifting. “I promise, it won’t happen again.”
“I’ve heard that a lot from you lately.”
I open my mouth to respond, but then I close it. I don’t know what to say.
“What was the disagreement with Blade about?”
“Emily,” I let out a long breath. “He wants me to speak to her.”
I shuffle my feet and swallow.
“I don’t know whether or not to be offended by your grievance over her informing me of your extracurriculars. You could’ve told me yourself.”
I glance over my shoulder at the animal den and raise my brows. “No offense, sir, but I wasn’t sure you’d understand.” I nod toward the den. “I wasn’t willing to take the chance.”
Lorenzo laughs and puts his hands in his pockets. “You underestimate your value.”
“You were about to let your brother shoot me in the head. Forgive me for questioning your fondness of me.”
Lorenzo shrugs. “It was a gamble, I guess, but I know those two. Blade is too much of a pussy to upset the missus, and Settimo is as bad about making empty threats as Blade. Relax. You’re fine.” Lorenzo smirks. “But stop picking on Blade. I’ve told you that a dozen times.”
I nod. “Yes, sir. I will.”
Lorenzo nods. “End the feud with Emily. I don’t trust anyone else to work with her, and she’s too valuable not to use.”
My spine stiffens. “I don’t know that I can do that.”
Lorenzo rolls his eyes. “Give the girl a break, Victor. It isn’t her fault you like to keep secrets from me.”
“She betrayed me.”
“And you betrayed me. I’d venture to guess you’ve betrayed everyone. You’re a compulsive liar and have extreme trust issues, and you could stand to give a little forgiveness… I’ll give you another week, then I want you working with her again.”
I reluctantly nod. “Okay, sir.”
“How’s the girlfriend, by the way?”
“She isn’t my girlfriend.”
Lorenzo sighs impatiently. “Fine, how’sMae?”
I shrug. “I wouldn’t know. Our contract is up.”
Lorenzo narrows his eyes, and several moments go by while he studies me. He gives his head a shake. “I swear, Victor, sometimes I think you're hopeless.”
Lorenzo turns on his heel and starts toward the door, but he must remember something because he pauses and looks over his shoulder. “Oh, by the way, someone asked for you. He’s waiting in the casino lobby. Short guy, shaggy red hair.”