Page 16 of His Property
“Please, Mae. Just stay here.” TJ looks at me with puppy dog eyes from my kitchen table, a cereal bowl in front of him.
It’s only been a few days, but it feels like it’s been years since I saw him as the confident slacker I knew him to be. Neither of us has left the house in three full days, and if I didn’t have term papers to grade over Christmas break, I’m not sure I would be leaving now.
I sigh and set my purse down on the table before walking over to TJ and placing a hand on his shoulder. I look into his eyes so he knows I’m serious. “I promise you, it’ll be fine.”
He huffs. “You can’t guarantee that.”
“If someone was coming for us, they would’ve been here already. We’re not hiding. We’re in the same place they left us. We’refine.” I’m amazed at how confident I sound. I almost fool myself.
“I still don’t get it.” TJ shakes his head. “Why did he just leave like that? If he was going to do…” He stumbles on his words and breaks eye contact. “You know, what you offered him, why wouldn’t he take you with him? That guy did not just pay my debt and leave it at that.”
To my complete horror, TJ did in fact listen in on my conversation with Victor, but we seem to be equally embarrassed by it and have avoided talking about it until now.
“I don’t know,” I say, frowning like I’m puzzled, although I have a guess as to why Victor chose to leave without a word.
I think it’s a mind game. He wants me to be scared, waiting for him, never knowing when he may show up. His fantasy doesn’t involve me walking out of here with him willingly. I can see this because I know it’s what I would want.
After several nights of tossing and turning in bed, never getting more than an hour of sleep at a time, replaying a combination of nightmares and wet dreams, I’ve finally, at twenty-six years old, come to accept something.
I am turned on by my own fear. Not only that, but it’s like I need it to get off. I’ve made excuses for myself in the past, and I’ve justified my fantasies in a number of ways, but after all this crazy shit with Victor, I can’t deny it anymore. It’s the only explanation left as to why I get a jolt of excitement every time I think I hear something outside or I peek out the window and know there’s a possibility he’ll be there.
Hell, if I dig deep, it’s probably the real reason I’m so set on leaving right now.
Am I ashamed? Yes. Double yes.
Am I in denial? No. Not anymore.
“Maybe he had a change of heart,” I say. “Who knows why that psychopath does what he does? All that matters is we’re here and we’re safe.” TJ slumps but he doesn’t try to fight me on leaving, so I slowly remove my hand and clutch my purse.
“Lock the door when I leave, okay? You’re going to be fine, I promise.”
He sighs but nods. “Have you gotten a text from your mom?” he asks, halting me and flushing worry through my veins.
Our moms left for a spontaneous hiking trip last week, before Victor sought out TJ, and no, I haven’t talked to my mom since. I wish I could say it’s unusual for her to just up and leave, returning at whatever date she deems fit, but it isn’t. She’s been doing this since I was a kid. It’s what gave my dad full custody of me. TJ just winds up home alone when his mom is gone.
“No,” I say, trying not to sound worried. “Have you?”
He nods. “They’re coming back in a few days. They’re in Arizona right now… What happens if he shows up at my house when they’re there?”
Relief washes away the worry. “He won’t. He isn’t interested in you, kiddo. You’re safe. I promise”
“I fucking hate it when you call me that.”
I chuckle to ease the tension he’s emitting, but he doesn’t follow my lead.
“All right, seriously, I have to go. These papers take me forever to grade. I guess I’m lucky I have one less turned in.” I raise a brow. “I’m guessing?”
“Does it look like I’ve been typing away to you, Teach?”
I give him a lighthearted tsk and finger waggle, then back out of the kitchen. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Please hurry.”
“I will.” I turn and toss a wave behind me as I head out the door.
As I’m driving to the high school, I think I see a black Mustang following behind me, and my heart throbs in my ears. I nervously glance between the road and my rearview mirror, but when the car turns, I know I must be paranoid.
He might have already forgotten about me.