Page 103 of Empire of Lust
“Get out before I have you dragged out,” I snarl. “This is your final warning.”
“Give me a break.” She rolls her eyes. “I didn’t come here to see you. I came here to see my daughter. It’s been too long, and I’ve heard rumors.”
Again, how?
Before I can wrap my head around what she’s saying, her attention swings back to Bianca. “And by the looks of it, they’re true. I guess you’re the little slut who’s been fucking my husband.”
Is it possible to feel like you’ve been hit when nobody laid a hand on you? The pain in my gut, the way all the air leaves my lungs at once. It’s like she punched or kicked me. It physically hurts, and yet she hasn’t laid a single hand on me.
“You fucking bitch.” Callum gets up, still naked, dragging one of the sheets with him and wrapping it around his waist. “This is your last warning. Get out of my fucking house before I fucking kill you.”
Sure, that’s exactly the kind of thing he would say. That’s who he is.
But it’s wrong. It is not the response I needed to hear.
He didn’t deny what she said. He didn’t deny still being married.
He didn’t deny it.
“From the look on her face, I’m going to assume she didn’t know?” Amanda—nobody has to introduce us—laughs in my face when all I can do is try to stay calm and keep the last shredding pieces of my dignity. “I bet he calls me his ex, doesn’t he?”
“Bianca, don’t listen to her,” Callum growls.
“Why? You don’t want your little fuck buddy knowing the truth? You can try to hide the truth from her as long as you want, but it always comes out.” She folds her arms across her chest and smiles. Smug, superior.
Callum’s chest heaves with every ragged breath. “I’m going to give you to the count of three to leave this fucking room—”
“Stop with your threats and bullshit.” She whirls on him and jabs a long, red nail against his bare chest. “By the way, nice job, sending somebody to spy on me. Was there a point? Or are you trying to blackmail me into signing the papers? Did you honestly think that would work? You’re supposed to be this master manipulator, and you’ve been duped at your own game.”
He slaps her hand away, baring his teeth in a snarl. “Don’t you fucking touch me, you diseased cunt. How’s your friend Lucas by the way?”
Her face turns ghostly white, and she falls back a step. “What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about.”
I can’t take any more of this. It’s killing me. “Stop!”
It’s like he forgot I was here. His eyes widen when he turns to me. “You should go to your room and get dressed,” he mutters. “Let me handle this.”
“Is it true?” Because I need to know. There’s a free-for-all going on in my head right now—screaming, panic, my thoughts racing in a hundred different directions. At the center of everything is that one single question. The one I need answered before I can move in any direction.
“Tell her the truth,” Amanda murmurs, barely fighting back a grin as she tosses her hair again and sends its fragrance my way. “Did I ever sign those divorce papers? Or have you been breaking your back for ages, trying to force me into it?”
It’s so strange, the look on his face. Like he’s fighting between rage and helplessness. I’ve never seen him look so broken. “I… look,” he murmurs to me. “Please, Bianca. You have to believe me. She’s nothing, no one.”
“Were you ever going to tell me you’re still married?” I don’t care if she’s witnessing this. What’s the use of being ashamed? I’m already sitting here naked, feeling like the world’s biggest idiot. Why not let her watch my heart break a little more? Everything’s better with an audience, right?
“Of course I was, but the idea was to get the papers signed first.” He snarls at her, forcing her back another step. “Any decent person would have signed them way before now. But enough is never enough. You always want more. I can’t believe you have the nerve to pretend you give a shit about your daughter when all you wanted was an excuse to barge in here and fuck with my life a little more.”
“This is all so touching.” She sighs, fluttering her thick lashes. “Next thing you know, you’ll tell me you love this girl, and that I should sign the divorce papers so the two of you can be happy together. Isn’t that right?”
“Considering I know what you’ve done, you are treading on very thin ice,” he warns. “My guy saw you together, you and that kid. Were you the one who came up with the idea to run her down?” He jerks a thumb in my direction without looking at me.
That’s what does it. Listening to him talk so casually about the trauma I went through—and revealing he knew more about it than he let on. He can’t expect me to trust him after this. The lies are piling up between us. Amanda and Lucas? How would she even know who he is?
Was. Past tense.