Page 62 of Chance (Steel Brothers Saga)
“She does look good,” Carmen admits. “Maybe I’m just a bit envious. I’d love to change my hair color, but I don’t think anything would work with my fair skin and freckles.”
“What’s wrong with your hair? It’s the same as mine.”
She scoffs. “Not really. Yours is more of a darker auburn. Mine’s the color of an orange.”
In reality, my cousin is actually very beautiful. I recall her being the junior homecoming attendant the year Rory Pike was queen. I think she was on the court her senior year. Plus she’s got an outgoing personality, so she’s always been popular. Always had a lot of friends and a lot of boyfriends.
“I’m taking Ava to her parents’ anniversary party on Saturday,” I continue, “so you can see us as a couple then.”
“You mean you’re going with her? As her date?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Wow, that’s big.”
“Why is that big?”
“You know about the Steels, don’t you?”
“Probably about as much as you do,” I say.
“What I mean is that they have a habit of falling hard and falling fast. Look at how quickly Donny and Brock fell for the Pike sisters.”
“Yeah? Well, I’m not a Steel.”
“You’re not,” Carmen says. “But Ava is.”
I shake my head. There’s no telling my cousin that I’m the one who’s falling hard. Ava, while she’s clearly not indifferent to me, has made it quite clear that she’s not ready to get serious with anyone. I’m definitely not getting forever vibes from her.
In fact, she almost seems like she’s trying not to get serious.
Makes me wonder if her tarot cards told her not to.
I respect her belief in the guidance of the cards, but I hope that’s not the case, because I’d really like to have something long-term with Ava Steel. But this is where the age thing could get tricky. I’m thirty-five. I’m ready to settle down. I love the idea of having my own family, of being a father.
Ava probably isn’t thinking in those terms yet.
Walking farther into the house, I inhale. I love the smell of turkey and all the fixings—onion, garlic, thyme, sage. Snow Creek is such a beef town, and while Steel Acres and other ranches produce quality beef, it’s nice to have a little change of pace.
We only eat turkey once a year. We go back to beef on Christmas and ham on Easter.
But I do love turkey, and I love the turkey pot pie and the wild rice soup that Mom makes with the leftovers during this whole weekend.
I usually eat with my parents all four days.
Except we won’t be eating here Saturday night.
We will all be eating at the huge buffet put on by the Steel family to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Ryan and Ruby Steel.
And I will be there as their daughter’s date.
I’m dating a member of the Steel family.
But not just any member.
The most beautiful and unique Steel of all.
Dad hands me a beer, and I grab it and join him in the family room to watch whatever game he has on TV.
Mom is very traditional. She doesn’t allow Dad and me anywhere near the kitchen during big meals like this. And that’s okay with me. The hamburgers I made for Ava the other night pretty much exhausted my entire culinary repertoire.
I usually live on sandwiches. Two nice slices of Ava’s bread slapped together with whatever cold cuts I have in my fridge.
“Who’s playing today, Dad?”
“Broncos versus the Packers.”
“Who’s winning?”
“Broncos are looking good this year, son.”
My dad is a football fanatic. I remember when I was little, if the Broncos weren’t winning, he’d be in a bad mood. He’s mellowed a lot since then. Now he only says a few choice curse words when they’re not winning, and then he’s back to his jovial self.
I take a seat next to him and pretend to enjoy the game.
Until someone rings the doorbell.
That’s strange. Everyone’s here.
“Brendan,” Carmen calls down. “Someone’s here to see you.”
Me? Who the hell could that be?
“Excuse me, Dad.” I rise.
Unless it’s Ava Steel, I’m not interested.
And I know it’s not Ava Steel.
Uncle Joe and Aunt Melanie have put on quite a spread for Thanksgiving. Normally we have holiday dinners at Uncle Talon and Aunt Jade’s, since they live in the biggest house, but Joe and Melanie’s place is still huge.
My sister, Gina, and my cousins Brianna, Angie, and Sage—the awesome foursome—are all home from college. Gina looks gorgeous as usual, her long dark hair pulled into a side braid. Of course she’s dressed for the occasion. Gina always dresses up. Today she’s wearing Louboutin leather boots with spiky heels, designer jeans, and a cashmere V-neck sweater.
Yeah, we couldn’t be more different.
She hugs me when I arrive. “Ava!”
I hug her back. She’s my sister and I love her, although we have absolutely nothing in common. I’m kind of an odd duck as far as she’s concerned, and I’ve grown to be okay with that.