Page 2 of Sharing Her Curves (Forbidden Fantasies)
But of course, the handsome man doesn’t deny it. He merely looks thoughtful, his expression going far away.
“You’re right, there are a lot of women in Allentown who’ve made it more than clear they’d love a night in my bed,” he says in a low tone before shrugging. “But what can I say? I’m not feeling it.”
I turn while wiping my hands on a dishtowel, even as my heart beats rapidly in my chest.
“But why not? Is there something wrong with them?”
Carl merely shakes his head, a dark flush spreading out over his cheekbones.
“No, of course not. There’s nothing wrong with the ladies. In fact, they’re very right and I’m probably an idiot for not taking them up on it,” he says in a low tone. “But what can you do? If the vibe’s not there, then it’s not there. I’m not looking for something romantic at the moment. I like my life because it’s quiet and peaceful, and I can hear myself think,” he winks at me.
I giggle.
“Yeah, but not with me here! I’m underfoot all the time and after the baby gets here, it’s going to be even crazier.”
I half expect Carl to say something about finding other accommodations for me after the baby’s born, but instead, he just shrugs those broad shoulders and shoots me a grin.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, sweetheart,” he growls. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything. We’re not there yet.”
My heart flutters in my chest because it almost sounds like Carl wants to be a father to my baby. Well, maybe not a father per se, but he doesn’t sound put off at the thought of an infant squalling in the middle of the night, much less the loads of dirty laundry and baby bottles that are going to accumulate. Plus, I’ll be a mess after labor, so he’ll not only have his hands full with a child, but with me too.
Yet the handsome man doesn’t seem put off by the idea. Hmm. Maybe he’s even looking forward to it because it’s something he’s never experienced before. But everyone knows that having a newborn is difficult, so why would he want this? Carl’s forty-five if a day, and surely, this is too much to ask.
But the handsome man merely smiles at me again, those blue eyes glinting in the low lights.
“So have you been keeping in touch with the father of your baby?” my stepdad asks in a smooth tone. Oh shit, we’re back to this. Again, I fed Carl a lie about the circumstances of my pregnancy, and a hot flush rises to my cheeks as I bite my lip. I hate telling lies because they only get bigger and bigger with time, and now I feel like I’m caught in a spiderweb. Still, I try to roll with the story.
“Oh um, not really,” I say quickly. “You know that after I told Jonny about my pregnancy, he showed no interest whatsoever. In fact, he even asked me to get a termination, which I absolutely would not do. After that, he kind of washed his hands of us, so no, I haven’t kept in touch. In fact, last time I tried to call, the call was disconnected, so I think he’s even changed his number.”
Carl looks positively fierce now.
“Are you fucking serious? The father of your baby changed his number and didn’t tell you? Tell me where he is because I’m going to tear that asshole a new one.”
Oh shit, oh shit, I’ve said too much. I smile weakly.
“No, no, it’s fine! Don’t worry because I’ve been able to get in touch with Jonny over email,” I say in a quick voice. “He’s responsive, but he said he’s visiting some family in Georgia right now, so he’s a little busy.”
Carl still looks pissed.
“Yeah, but what boy goes missing when he’s got a pregnant woman on his hands? Doesn’t he care about his own child?”
“Yes, of course,” I say, trying to think on the fly. “But I think Jonny said his great-aunt is sick, and he needs to take care of her during her last days. Not only that, but she lives way out in the swamps of Georgia, in those coastal areas that are practically off the grid. So he’s a little out of range right now, but he definitely emails when he can.”
Still, Carl is unappeased.
“What a fucking douche,” my stepfather mutters under his breath, staring at his drink with a murderous glare. “Seriously, kids these days are so goddamn irresponsible.”
“I know,” I say in a soothing tone. “But let’s not talk about that, okay? Jonny has a lot going on right now, and I’m sure he’ll circle back when it’s time.” Then, I stretch with my arms over my head, which makes my stepfather look up because my big breasts rise in the air, straining against my thin t-shirt. Not only that, but the soft cotton rides up, and sure enough, the handsome man gets a glimpse of my soft belly beneath the hem, round and burgeoning slightly with my pregnancy. Is it my imagination, or do Carl’s blue eyes flare then? He definitely licks his lips while taking in my ripe figure, and I giggle slightly.
“You know the bad part about an office job?” I ask playfully.
Carl shoots me a look.
“You mean, other than the fluorescent lighting, carpal tunnel, and gray furniture?”
“Oh you!” I giggle while swatting a small hand in his direction. “No, not that. It’s that I’m not used to sitting in a chair for eight hours a day after working on my feet as a flight attendant. As a result, my back feels tight and I could really use some time in the Jacuzzi. Is that okay? I know it’s dark already, but there are lights in the backyard.”
My stepdad’s eyes flare, and I swear, his cock jerks against the groin of his shorts. But instead, he merely looks away, a harsh flush on those high cheekbones.