Page 17 of Sharing Her Curves (Forbidden Fantasies)
I can’t believe I’ve gotten both John and Carl to come to a meeting, but I suppose this is pressing business, so both men agreed. After all, I’ve slept with both alpha males now, and I don’t want to keep it a secret. After the playground liaison with Carl, I immediately told John, and to my surprised, my lover wasn’t shocked.
“So you’re okay with it?” I asked in a low voice behind the closed door of his office. “Me sleeping with another man?” The CEO merely shrugged.
“Let’s just say it’s not surprising. I saw it coming,” he growled.
I stared at his chiseled features, unable to believe my ears.
“What do you mean, you saw it coming?”
John chuckled, his blue eyes flashing.
“Anyone could see that your stepfather was attracted to you, honey. Hell, what man wouldn’t be? You’re beautiful, curvy, and very alluring. Probably half the men at Herald are interested in you, although of course, you belong to me.”
I swallow hard.
“Yes, but that’s what I want to discuss,” I say in a low tone. “Carl wants me to belong to him as well, and so that’s what we need to work through. We need to figure out how this is going to unfold because I don’t want to leave him high and dry. I owe him, you know. He took me in when I had no place to go, and even found me my job at Herald. So we need to discuss this.”
John merely shrugged.
“As far as I’m concerned, you don’t owe him anything, sweetheart. Carl merely did what any alpha male should do, which is to protect and look out for a woman in his care. But we can meet and talk,” he acceded. “Why not? It’s just a conversation over a cup of coffee.”
As a result, we’re at the Cheshire Café this afternoon. It’s a cute place with a garden outside, and we’re seated at a wobbly glass table with uncomfortable wrought-iron chairs. But at least the setting is beautiful. A vined trellis shades us from the sun, and the garden’s bursting with dozens of colorful blooms, including purple and pink hydrangeas, as well as lilacs of the creamiest white.
But the idyllic setting doesn’t make up for the stormy expression on both of my lovers’ faces. Carl’s shooting daggers at John which could practically kill, while John’s acting like nothing’s wrong. Yet I can tell from the tense set of his shoulders and the harsh flush of color across his high cheekbones that he’s well aware of the enemy at the gate.
“So what’s going on?” John drawls. “What are we here for today?”
I take a deep breath before looking meaningfully at both men.
“Thank you for coming,” I say in a firm tone. “Before we start, I just want to set some ground rules. No physical fighting, no violence, and no epithets will be tolerated.”
Carl grunts.
“This fuck here deserves whatever he gets.”
John’s square jaw jerks towards Carl then.
“As does this asshole.”
I hold up both hands, already feeling exhausted.
“Okay, we’re not exactly off to a good start, but I’m going to take that as an agreement on the physical violence. We will not be fighting. I’m pregnant, and I can’t take the risk that somehow, I get pulled into the melee.”
Both men turn to me then.
“I would never hurt you,” Carl growls, blue eyes flashing. “Never in a million years.”
“Only that fuck would accidentally swing and miss before clipping you,” John adds in a smarmy tone. “I never miss.”
I roll my eyes because men can be so childish sometimes! I swear, these guys are in their forties, and yet they’re acting like babies. I merely huff out an exasperated breath before looking at them.
“Well, now that we have that cleared up,” I say in a wry tone. “We might as well get started. As you know, I’ve been with both of you now, and I wanted to get that into the open. Even more, I want to discuss how we’re going to proceed from here. Both of you have sampled my curves, and there must be some way to work this out without putting my job and housing situation in jeopardy.”
“You’re welcome to stay with me as long as you like,” Carl immediately interjects.
“And you’re welcome to work at Herald for as long as you like,” John immediately throws right back. “So it’s solved. We’re good to go.”