Page 9 of Ravished By The Prince
I try to put her off.
“Um, I’m not really that hungry, Mom. I had a big lunch today,” I say. All I’d had was a sandwich, but I’m honestly too nervous about my meeting with the prince to eat anything. “I’m just going to grab a quick shower before I head out tonight.”
“Out?” Doria inquires with one eyebrow raised. “Really, hon?”
I smile weakly.
“Yeah, I’m meeting up with a few friends tonight to go see a movie.” God, I suck at lying. I can’t tell whether or not she’s buying this, and my heart is starting to race. Hopefully she doesn’t ask which one because I have no idea what’s playing in the theaters.
Fortunately, I’m saved when my dad walks in the front door. Herbert works as an accountant for a small architectural firm, and he’s been with them thirty years. It’s time for him to retire because the lines around his eyes and mouth are deepening by the year, and the work exhausts him.
My mom flies to help him take off his jacket and hat, and with my parents distracted with one another, I dash up the stairs and into the bathroom. I close the door gently and lock it behind me. Privacy, at last.
I turn on the hot water, and it fills the bathroom with steam. I take off my uniform and place it neatly on top of the hamper before getting into the water and allowing it to wash away every speck of dust and every grain of dirt. Hot streams of water trickle down my frame as I lather my body with soap. Hopefully, my folks will be so busy eating that they won't notice me slipping out through the front door because lying always makes me so uneasy.
Then, I turn the water off, get out of the shower, and wrap a towel around my body. Slowly opening the bathroom door, I look both ways to make sure my mother isn't waiting for me out in the hallway. Luckily, she isn't, so I dash to my bedroom, leaving behind a trail of wet footprints. After closing the door behind me and locking it, I walk over to my closet and rummage through my clothes, searching for the perfect outfit. What does a girl wear when she’s about to be fired? I don't want to be too formal, but I can't show up in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. After all, I’m have my dignity and I’m going to hold my head up high no matter what Prince Eric says.
It has to be something simple yet classy. Pursing my lips, I select a plain blue dress that comes down to my knees. It's simple but still very stylish, with a modest neckline and full sleeves.
Selection made, I place the dress onto my bed and plug in my iron, touching it every few seconds until it's hot enough to get rid of every crease in the garment. I roll the scalding metal over the dress gently, making sure I don’t burn it. Suddenly, my doorknob jiggles, followed by a gentle knock.
“Who is it?” I inquire.
“It’s me,” Doria answers from the other side of the door.
“Just a minute,” I say, turning the iron off and placing it on the floor. I unlock the doorknob, but before I can get the door open, my mother barges in. She looks around my bedroom as if she's searching for something; then she spots the dress on my bed.
“Is that what you’re wearing to themovies?” she asks with confusion. She looks bewildered, and I try my best to not look like I'm guilty.
“Yeah.” I make sure I don’t look into her eyes. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been out, so I wanted to get dressed up. It’s not too weird, is it?”
“No honey, of course not, but who are you going to the movies with?” she questions. I stammer and blush a little.
“Just a few friends from high school, Mom,” I say.
“Will there be any boys there?” Doria asks quizzically. “You know we don’t mind if you start dating, Kitty. It’s high time for a pretty girl like you.”
I blush furiously again because everyone knows that I’ve never been serious with a guy before. Of course, there have been some sloppy puppy kisses and half-hearted fooling around, but I’ve never been past second base. Still, it’s not my mom’s business.
“Maybe. I don’t know. But they’re justfriends,” I emphasize. My mom stares at me for a bit, not saying a word. This is the most convincing I’ve ever sounded while telling a lie. Hopefully, she believes me.
“Well, just make sure you’re being safe,” she says in a light tone. “You never know.”
I roll my eyes because the men I’ve dated were not men. They were boys, and if anything, they’d be in danger fromme, and not the other way around.
“Okay, Mom. You don’t need to be sorry.” Then Doria wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly, kissing my cheek softly. I feel guilty keeping the truth from her, but it’s better this way because if she knew where I was really going, she would probably break down in tears.
“Have fun, Kitty,” she says as she leaves my bedroom, closing the door behind her. “Enjoy the movie!”
I roll my eyes again and quickly finish ironing. Then, I mince to my underwear drawer and pick out a sexy black lingerie set. Why not? It’s not like I’m going to accidentally moon Prince Eric again, and besides, sexy lingerie makes me feel more confident.
I drop the towel that's wrapped around my body to the ground and slip into the lacy set. Perfect. My big bust is lifted and the panties form a discreet shadow between my thighs. Then I pull on the dress, and nod with approval. The blue fabric skims my curves without being overtly sensuous, and highlights my shapely legs. I run my fingers through my curls and scrunch them, making sure each one is full of bounce, and then apply mascara and a soft pink lipstick. Of course, I realize I’m going to look ugly compared to what Prince Eric usually sees. He’s probably used to women being done up from their head to their toes, wearing couture and dripping with diamonds. Well, I may not come from wealth, and I may not own expensive clothes, but I have a heart made of gold.
Primping my hair once more, I take a step back and stare into the mirror at my own reflection. Okay, this is definitely the best version of Kitty Light there is, and I straighten my shoulders before giving my reflection a serious look. Then it's time to go, and I scurry out of my bedroom and down the stairs.
“Mom, Dad, I’m leaving!” I call out as I grab hold of my bag.
“Wait!” my mother yells as she and my father come rushing to the front door. They both hug me tightly, treating me like I'm a little girl who’s headed off to the prom.