Page 5 of Ravished By The Prince
“Where should I start?” I ask. Mary checks the time on her watch.
“Start with Princess Ella’s quarters, then do Prince Eric’s, and lastly, King Wilhelm’s,” she says. I nod and then hurry off with the cart.
I push the squeaky rolling trolley toward the staff elevator and press the appropriate button. To be honest, I’ve only been in this part of the palace once – it had been my second day on the job, and Aunt Nellie and I had to bring fresh towels to the maid who was cleaning the King’s bathroom. His all-white bathroom was practically luminescent, it was so impressive. The toilet looked like it was made from the ivory tusks of an elephant, and the knobs on the bathtub looked like they were made of pure gold, and that is not an exaggeration. I’d never seen anything like it before.
The elevator dings as the doors open wide. I push the cart inside and press the button for the top floor. The doors close, and the elevator slowly goes up. I try to shake all of my doubts out of my head. Aunt Nellie is right; they chose me because they know I can get the job done. I have nothing to worry about. Taking a deep breath, I step out into the hallway with the cart once the doors slither open.
Princess Ella’s room is the closest, and so I push the cart up against the wall and gently knock on her door. I listen closely for a response, but her room is as silent as a tomb. She’s probably already off on her royal duties, whatever those are. After all, Ella is always by her father’s side at state dinners, and she’s very involved in the politics of our nation. Suffice to say, the fair princess is adored by the citizens of Chromia for her commitment, not to mention her beauty and charm. With her raven black hair and crystal blue eyes, Ella resembles a real-life Snow White.
But that’s not my business. My business is cleaning Ella’s quarters, and I turn the doorknob and gently open the door, just in case she’s somewhere in her chamber. I knock on the door one last time to announce myself, but there’s still no answer. Perfect. She must be gone, and I pull the cart into her quarters and get straight to work.
The living area is pretty much in order, but I go over everything anyway, dusting the modern, chic furniture and vacuuming the plush carpet. Princess Ella’s suite isn’t just formal – it’s absolutely lavish. The interior decorators haven’t held back on anything, including the dazzling chandelier and gilt wallpaper, not to mention furniture that must be antique. But again, where it comes from isn’t my business. I head into the bathroom next, entering the sparkling space to replace all of her dirty towels with fresh, clean ones. Ella’s soaps and perfumes are on the counter, and I can see that they originate from foreign lands. I can read the ones in French, but some are in languages I don’t even recognize.
Goodness. Our princess has probably been around the world countless times, shaking hands with kings and queens all across the globe. Meanwhile, I’ve never been outside of Chromia because my working class family can’t afford expensive trips. It’s always been my dream to travel abroad and learn about other cultures, but that day hasn’t come yet. Someday, though, I’ll explore the world. Just not today, seeing that I need to earn a living.
As I open the bedroom door, the scent of fresh flowers permeates the air. I smile as I deeply inhale the scent; the room smells like a garden is growing in the center of it. Unfortunately, Princess Ella isn’t exactly the neatest person in the world. She’s got clothes lying all around the room, many with designer labels. Oooh, are those Christian Louboutin pumps? Goodness, the heels are high.
But still, I have work to do. I roll the cart in with me and grab a fresh pair of sheets before placing them onto a chair next to her bed. Then, I strip the mattress and make her bed anew, making sure everything is perfectly aligned. Then, I hang up the expensive articles of clothing and place them in her huge walk-in closet. Honestly, this woman has the kind of closet that most girls only dream of: racks and racks of couture, with matching purses, shoes, and accessories lovingly displayed. Even her underwear appears to be designer and made of the finest silk and lace. Yet, I wouldn’t trade places with her for a second because Ella’s constantly in the public’s eye, scrutinized for every move she makes that isn’t deemed princess-like. I might not own fancy clothes or live in a castle, but at least I get to make my own decisions without having the entire world constantly watching me. Some girls wish they were a princess, but I know better: that type of life isn’t for me.
Finishing up, I triple check to make sure Princess Ella’s room is spotless, and then wheel the cart out of her chamber, closing the door behind me. I check the time on my watch; it’s almost eleven, so I’m making good time. Still, I need to clean Prince Eric’s and King Wilhelm’s quarters before I can take my lunch.
I roll the cart down the hall to Prince Eric’s chamber. Again, I knock gently to make sure the occupant is gone, and sure enough, there’s no sound. Perfect. He’s probably away on some official business as well, so I can get started without any delay.
I let myself in, gently closing the door behind me. Eric’s living area is much bigger than his younger sister Princess Ella’s, but it’s much messier too. Cigarette smoke lingers in the air as the sound of music blares from the massive flat screen television mounted on the wall. What the hell? Why didn’t he turn it off? I grab the remote and switch off the TV. Some people, sheesh.
I get to work, picking up the trash lying around the floor. I straighten up the pillows on the couch and spray air freshener around the room, hoping to get rid of the smoke smell in the air. Even crazier, the pampered prince has expensive, hi-tech gadgets spread out all around the floor, like they mean nothing to him. I pick up a couple iPads, as well as a the latest iPhone, a GameBox, and a fancy digital watch before placing them on the coffee table. There are probably five figures of electronics right there, but I merely shake my head and turn away. Again, not my business.
Once I finish cleaning the living area, I roll the rickety cart into the bathroom. I snap on a pair of gloves and scrub the bathtub and toilet until they shine, sweat beading on my forehead in the process. Still, a job worth doing is one worth doing well, and after I’m done, I step back and take a look around the sparkling latrine. I’m sure Aunt Nellie would be very proud if she could see this bathroom right now because I’ve made it absolutely shine.
Then, I turn to the connecting door to the prince’s bedroom. The bedroom will be nothing compared to the bathroom, I’m sure. Nodding to myself, I quickly push the cart into the darkened space, and begin humming as my eyes adjust. Suddenly, a monster rises from the sheets, huge and ferocious. It’s huge, at least ten feet tall with an enormous shaggy head and fangs that gleam white in the low lights.
“Ahhhhh!” I scream, clutching the cart in terror. “Ohhhh!”
The monster grunts with surprise, shaking its shaggy black head before settling back into the sheets.
“Who the fuck are you?” it demands in a sleepy voice. Oh shit, oh shit! It’s Prince Eric! He was sleeping this entire time and I’ve barged in to disturb his rest.
“Oh, ah, I’m … ah no one,” I stammer while trying to back out of the room at the same time. Of course, it’s hopeless. My cart gets jammed on the carpet and no matter what I do, I can’t tug it loose despite my desperate attempts.
Meanwhile, Eric sits up in bed, and as my eyes adjust to the darkness, I can see that he’s nude. Oh my god, oh my god. His bare, bronze chest is exposed and is that …? Yes, it’s a six pack, complete with a dark line of hair leading from his navel to downthere. The prince stares at me like he’s just seen an intruder, and of course, that’s exactly what I am. I have to say something, anything. Yet I can’t get any words out. My tongue is tied, my eyes are fixated on his bulging muscles, and my panties are already going damp. I want to climb on top of this massive male animal and grind myself against those huge muscles. I want to do all sorts of dirty things, but who am I kidding? I’m a pudgy, frumpy chambermaid who also happens to be sweaty, dirty, and stinking of cleaning fluid at the moment.
“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” I mutter with my head down. “Let me just get my cart and go.”
Eric winks at me.
“Well, you might want to fix that first,” he drawls.
I stare at him.
“Fix what?”
Those blue eyes glint with amusement, stopping me in my tracks.
“Your skirt,” he says, gesturing in back of him, miming something. Immediately, I wrench around. Oh shit! Somehow, when I was bent over, the skirt of my maid’s uniform got tucked into the back of my panties, and I’m basically now mooning the gorgeous prince. How in the world did this happen? Even worse, I’m wearing a g-string today and all that flesh is bouncing and jiggling in the most obscene way possible.
“Oh shit!” I half-shriek, half-gasp. “Oh no!” Quickly, I yank my skirt back in place before stammering an apology. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Your Highness,” I mutter as I grab the cart. With a vicious tug, the stuck wheel pulls loose and without another look, I bolt from the bedroom with my cleaning cart, rushing out the main room, and down the hallway to the elevator. I press the button repeatedly to open the doors, glancing down the hall every few seconds to make sure Prince Eric isn’t following me.
But of course, he isn’t. He probably thinks this whole thing was totally hysterical. My cheeks red and flushed, I rush onto the elevator, heart still hammering as the doors close. I can’t believe that just happened. I just humiliated myself in front of the heir of Chromia, flashing my naughty panties and showing him my big white moons. Oh god, oh god, that was embarrassing. I’m sure Prince Eric hates me now, or at the very least, he’s going to report my gaffe to Mary on the double. Then, I’ll be out of a job on my very first day.Oh shit!